
  1. Switch Local Communication Help

    Me and someone in the same room with two switches and two copies of the game wanna play together. When either of us host locally, we can't find the other person. (wifi off or on) If we host online we immediately find each other. Can someone help explain how to make this work, online has a lot...
  2. Mira__Exists

    PC how to transfer host of a farm

    hi ! so basically the title: i stated a multiplayer save with a friend, they're the host, but i've gotten really attached to the character and find myself constantly wanting to play that save specifically they'd be fine with switching, is there a mod that does that, or some way to edit the save...
  3. Windows I cannot join with my character on my gf's farm

    So, months ago we started playing stardew valley via LogMein Hamachi, but after some time I had to reboot my pc. After that, I couldn't join the farm anymore. But, days ago we bought Stardew Valley on Steam and we tried joining the farm again but then it appears a message that says: "This...
  4. Server hosting that allows mod's suggestion's

    Hello I'm looking for a good suggestion for a server host that I can get that I can have mod's and can have 5-6 people to join with ease. I have tried Shockbyte and tried to contact their support for help (with no reply) and I'm thinking about cancelling it. I've done what they have suggested...
  5. RandomEvent

    Switch IEP Address and LAN to play with PC, Mac, AND Consoles??

    I'd love to host a multiplayer farm for the kids I babysit as they have all started loving SDV, playing one farm when they're at my house. However, I have a Mac & Steam (but could purchase through GOG if needed), one kid has a PC and Steam, the second is on Switch, and the third is on...
  6. PlayStation Looking to host a long-term farm

    Hello! I've been really in the mood to play but I can't find anyone to play with. For multiplayer I usually keep money together so we can do what we are good at and still be earning money. All the other settings I don't mind (farm type, cabin distance, stuff like that). I'm in EST and I'm...
  7. Windows [HELP] Multiplayer server kicking players

    Hi, I've been hosting a Stardew Valley server for my friends. We have been playing over a few months with no problem until a few weeks ago. The server started kicking the invited players out and it doesn't affect me at all. Please help thanks!
  8. Kiki

    Switch Hosting wilderness co-op.

    I would really like to have a long term player, I only have one slot at the moment. I'm in est timezone.
  9. Dragonheardt

    Windows [HELP] Hosting a multiplayer game

    Does anyone also have issues sometimes where you're the host of a multiplayer game and the other players get booted periodically due to some server connection errors? It seems to be related to me being the host. I'm checking into my router and ISPs quality of service (and my ethernet cable), but...
  10. Nuka-Quantum Knight

    PlayStation Looking for ppl to play with 18+

    I'm planning to make it on the beach farm because I like the layout and look, and its nice and big with lots of space to work with. I wanna focus on getting every type of animal we can in game, slimes included, and making artisan goods alongside animal products, but other than that I'm happy to...
  11. PC [HELP] Cant host a game

    Hello, i have an issue since last week. Since the 19 july, i cant host game anymore (old or new) on my computer . All the people that want to join cant. Just before that, everything was working fine. I have tried everything that was advised but nothing seems to work. One more thing to know is...
  12. MrRed

    PC I have A farm People can Join

    I have A farm People can Join Dm me on discord To join MrRed#9999 (It is not modded and Is only On Steam)
  13. iOS [HELP] Hosting server on iPhone via NVIDIA GeForce Now

    Greetings, wasn’t sure if I should post this under PC or iOS, but here goes. I started hosting a farm on my PC for me and one other person and have recently attempted to host the same farm from my iPhone via the NVIDIA GeForce Now cloud gaming platform. This was appealing because GeForce Now is...