help please :(

  1. PC [HELP] Game crashes when sleeping! pls help!

    Heya! so the trouble is that when i go sleep to save the game and end the day, the game crashes and i have to re-do the day, and it happens every day! im getting a bit mad about it. here's the error log for you guys see whats happening. thanks! edit:Ideleted some steam games to have more space...
  2. saya

    PC [HELP] connection failed help

    hi so I've been running into some problems while trying to join my friend in coop every time i try to join him it keep saying connection failed we tried using the code and the invite i also tried reinstalling the game didn't work deleted my antivirus also didn't help, turning off my stock anti...
  3. PC [HELP] stardew, co-op issues, sep

    me and my friend have been playing co-op on stardew valley but ever since we started our games keep crashing whenever someone joins or attempts to sleep to save progress - since im the host my screen freezes while the cursor just rotates over and over with no improvement and her game crashes...