help & bug reports (non-modded)

  1. Android Application cannot be installed

    When making an application purchase, the application can be purchased, the credit has been deducted, But the application cannot be installed.
  2. Android Toolbar keeps resizing itself

    Every time I open my farm the toolbar is massive, no matter how many times I change it, it always gets massive on startup. But it seems to get back to my set size when I open game settings and close it. It's been this way since 1.5 but back then it happened to the date box as well. The date...
  3. kzoc1301

    Switch Multiple Issues on Switch After 1.6.9 Update

    Hello - My husband and I play co-op multiplayer on the Nintendo switch. Ever since we installed 1.6.9 on Monday, 11/4, we've encountered a number of issues that we didn't experience previously. Any time one of our characters lays down a bomb of firework, the game crashes. We experience really...
  4. virstultus

    Windows Can't roommate krobus

    Hi. I'm playing on the latest version on steam (1.6.11) and I can't roommate krobus. I started the world as a multiplayer world originally, a friend of mine married Abigail and I wanted to roommate Krobus. I finally got Krobus to 10 hearts, got the void ghost pendant but I can't give it to him...
  5. iOS 1.6 fishing bug

    When attempting to catch the goby in the spot by the waterfall the rod won’t cast into the bottom. When holding the screen to cast the game will move the character to a complete different spot. Only happening in that one area Playing on IOS mobile on an iPhone 14 In game language - English...
  6. Windows pls someone help me, my game crush everytime I start my load

    Hi everyone, I have a big problem. I started a game 3 days ago and everything was fine until this afternoon. Around 6.30pm I closed the game and reopened it about an hour ago. After opening it I went to my file where I have accumulated more than 30 hours, but the game crashed after loading...
  7. Android Hero trophy bed breaking glitch

    I'm on a samsung galaxy tab s7 with latest software update and playing on singleplayer version and I have experience this glitch where the hero trophy would break completely no item to pick up when I'm in the bed Video of the glitch:
  8. Android Mobile duplication glitch(android tab)

    I'm on mobile(android galaxy tab s7) playing single player version on a keyboard and mouse and when I shift left-click on an item when the first row of inventory has an empty spot it would duplicate video link of the glitch:
  9. Windows Bus will not work

    I completed the pantry and vault rooms on the same day, i didn't know you only got one cutscene per day. I got the greenhouse cutscene and the greenhouse works, but not the bus cutscene. Pam's schedule has switched and she goes to stand next to the bus, but i am unable to go travel with the bus...
  10. Switch Lost statue of true imperfection

    I'm on the switch console and left my statue out was switching around items to put it in my inventory and time lapsed and game saved went back to get statue abd it's gone checked every chest every junimo hut auto grabber chest fridge lost and found and Marlon how do I get my statue back year 12...
  11. Xbox My 9 year old needs help! :)

    Hello everyone, my son, who is autistic and LOVES Stardew Valley, came to me yesterday feeling a bit worried. He wanted to leave his house in the game, but trees were blocking the front door, and for some reason, he doesn't have any tools in the house or on him. I haven't played the game...
  12. stormy063

    Android game not using weapon in inventory

    so in mobile I've noticed if you have a scythe it'll use that to attack instead of weapon if you have auto attack enabled. And sometimes it wont attack at all on auto attack. lost a few skull cavern deep dives to this.
  13. iOS Pick Axe hasn’t been sent home after trashing it

    Hello, I accidentally trashed my iridium pick axe while using the sewing machine. I didn’t realize I had done it until days after, and mobile only saves the last save file. it hasn’t been sent home after a week (in game time). The sewing machine has a strange glitch where I couldn’t exit out so...
  14. Android Bug with foraging bundle

    Hello :) I have an annoying problem with the foraging bundle. I can't open it. My avatar just slides around it. It also doesn't show up in the menu when I go through all the different bundles. I play on my tablet s7fe and everything is updated. Also everything is set to English. Please someone...
  15. Windows Game Crashes when loading a save file I moved from Phone to PC.

    So, my sister used to play Stardewvalley on her phone, but I recently got a new laptop and wanted to let her experience the 1.6 Update on a large screen, I downloaded the PC version (1.6.8) and transferred her save files from her phone (1.5.6) but whenever she tries to load her savefile the game...
  16. Autistic_Possum

    Switch How do you find your farm seed on console?

    I am confused on how to find my farm seed, because I play on Nintendo Switch.
  17. Nixxi

    Windows Crashing

    So, I'm in Day ten of summer and it's the day before the Luau. As I'm working I decided to go to bed early because I have things prepared. Though, when I go to bed, on the save crashes? Not to mention I lose all progress. It's quite aggravating and I don't understand why it's...
  18. Windows Need help

    Hello! Can someone help me and my friend (we playing in multiplayer) show what our problem. And why i cant go into his house and also sleep
  19. Unsaved game days

    Yesterday I was playing with my girlfriend from the 5th to the 15th of summer in year 2, this morning when I tried to load the game the game went back to day 5, does anyone know what I can do? I play on Xbox Series S
  20. LittleCherryy

    Windows Game only opens in legacy or compatibility for 32bits

    The latest update to the game caused it to stop working on my laptop, the game only opens if I run it in legacy mode or 32bit compatibility. I would like to know if anyone else had this problem because until I formatted the pc I already formatted it to see if it solved.