help & bug reports (non-modded)

  1. ThatWiseSage

    Switch Can’t progress pass Spring 21!

    I can’t progress past day 21 of spring, year 2. I have played the day 3 times, and every time, when I get into bed to go to the next day, a Switch error message says “An error has occurred” and it closes the game. The day goes as follows; I clean my inventory, I collect my errand supplies, I...
  2. PlayStation No! 40% Artisan pay out

    Please fix!!! :frown: I in year 3 now and still waiting for my 40% artisan pay. I'm receiving the Base payment for all of my artisan goods. It's harder to make perfection on that. I have all 5 Masteries also. It's going to take so long to get the Golden Clock. HELP PLEASE
  3. Xbox game crashes

    game keeps crashing when interacting with dehydrated foods and dehydrators
  4. Xbox Unable to get Perfection

    I am unsure what to do, I have all of the crafting recipes and was stuck at 99% so I gave in and bought a waiver for the last percent but it’s not giving me perfection :( help
  5. MysticQueen

    Switch Queen of sauce book

    Queen of sauce book not showing up for sale at book seller
  6. MidnightFoxy413

    Xbox Game crashes when finishing Vault

    I'm not sure if this is a common issue others have experienced or not, but this is save file on my partner's account through a three player local co-op. We've had the game crash before when waiting for the save points during the next day sequence but this is incredibly unfortunate for us to not...
  7. iOS Lost progress

    I’ve been plying Stardew and got to Spring year 2. Since I’m going on a school trip I wanted to sync my data from my ipad to phone but when I did. i lost a lot of progress, like I went from spring year 2 back to day 1 of fall year 1. Please help im crying right now
  8. Switch Stardew bug report

    Okay, so first of all sorry for any mis-spelling or grammar problems, english is not my first language. Here is my problem: Every time i try to divorce sebastian :sebastian: , at the end of the (in game) day, my game crashes. Also it doesn't save my prosess, so when i restart the game, the day...
  9. Switch Can’t divorce

    I play on Nintendo Switch (single player - non moded) and since the 1.6 update, I cannot divorce my spouse without my game crashing when I go to end the day…. I tried looking into my settings from my switch, but everything seems to be in order. To my understanding, the problem is really in the...
  10. Switch Can’t divorce spouse

    Whenever I try to divorce my spouse, the game crashes when I go to sleep
  11. Xbox Stuck in fence bug

    The days after the wedding my husband Alex keeps getting stuck in the fences by the bus, and is not at home when I go to bed or wake up
  12. Switch Divorce Bug

    Just creating this for visibility. On the switch as well the divorce feature crashes my game. Game runs fine aside from that.
  13. Switch Chest stuck on wall

    after marrying penny i got to her heart event where she redecorated and a chest got stuck on the wall and i cannot get access inside of it nor get it off the wall ! things i’ve tried include- hitting with every tool, all bombs, and using the other joy stick to grab it - none of which have worked !
  14. iOS Main save keeps crashing on mobile

    Hi, I was trying to play yesterday but every time I loaded it up it let me play for like 15 seconds and then would crash. So I tried making a new save and it’s letting me play that one just fine. I gave it some time and I tried loading into my main save again today and it’s the same thing. This...
  15. Xbox Xbox divorce crash

    When I get divorced then go to sleep for the day my game crashes? This just happened to me today. Any one figure anything out?
  16. Solved Problem Cave of Excellence

    Hello, I don't speak English so I'm writing through a translator. I am a user of the game on IOS, I updated the game in November on the 4th. Today I was playing and a problem arose, I was breaking secret boxes and ancient treasures, after breaking all the secret boxes I set to break the treasure...
  17. Solved Keeps Crashing when I try to load my save (1.6)

    I started a new farm after the 1.6 update a few days ago and everything was going well until yesterday, when I now can't continue my save file without crashing and have to restart the day if I want to actually play the game. It gets very annoying when I make good progress in a day but have to go...
  18. Switch Issue w Leo friendship event in Mountain

    I think I have reached 10 hearts with Leo. When I try to go to the mountain (walking, teleporting w mountain obelisk), I get a cut scene. I see Leo sitting by the fire with Linus and cooking beanpot, then I see him in the library with Penny, Vincent, and Jas. But then the next scene is black. I...
  19. iOS My hoe is missing

    My hoe is completely missing for a couple of days now, I didn’t realise until today. I’ve looked everywhere even the lost and found.
  20. biglassy

    Switch Splitscreen Crash N. Switch

    Me and GF have played SV for nearly 100hrs this year. We play on the Switch in local host, split screen. Since the 1.6 update, our new save keeps crashing occasionally. It is very frustrating and we have given up on playing, losing that days progress every time. We played for about 6hrs...