
  1. Ecnrypted

    Windows Vegetation on water

    The grass appeared on water randomly one day, The tree was right after green rain. Both water bodies were rivers. v1.6.15 build 24356 no error text Windows 11/i5-11400H/RTX 3050 Laptop English Single player Keyboard mouse While game is not modded i did manually change gold value on an older save...
  2. Lisastardew

    Perfect amount of outside space for upgraded barn/co-op?

    Been trying out some options in regards to how much fenced in space to give my animals so that the grass is able to regrow itself fast enough that they don't run out (causing me to have to craft a bunch of grass starters). I was wondering if anyone knew of any data that already exists out there...
  3. iOS Using hoe to pick up equipment on grass

    On tall grass, the hoe does not pick up objects (tried with preserve jars, lightning rods, and crystalarium). I can charge the hoe to pick up more than one, but releasing it has no effect. Whether it is charged or not, it shows the animation without effects. It works on tillable ground and...
  4. Valkyrie_tina

    Windows Animals eat all the hay despite being spring

    My first post, I hope I do everything right. So, I play on my Laptop, 3rd year. I have 2 barns, 2 coops, fully upgraded and deluxed, with autograbbers and heaters, they are not fully filled with animals. I have 3 silos. The first 2 years everything went smoothly. However, that changed in year...
  5. Question More Grass mod in expanded locations?

    Hi y'all, this is my first play through of SDV on Windows, previously I had played it using someone else's copy on PS4, but mods are new to me in general. I hope no one has asked this already elsewhere, but I searched and couldn't find an answer. I have the More Grass mod and Lumisteria's More...
  6. Okan

    Windows Grass can be grown inside the house

    as you can see we can grow grass in the house with Grass Starter
  7. Croakichi

    Android Grass Starter not plantable in Garden Pots?

    It'd be great if we could also plant grass starters in garden pots. It grows on the floor inside of houses - why not in pots?!
  8. Solved Help!!

    How do i remove this?
  9. Nightly

    Solved [BUG] Grass vanishes during the winter inside the farmhouse

    When it becomes winter all the grass (planted grass starters) disappear inside the farmhouse? Shouldn't they stay since they do remain unaffected in the shed? Game version 1.5.5
  10. Switch [BUG] Cutting grass does not give hay

    Hi all, My girlfriend is playing SV on the Switch and is facing the following problem. When cutting grass with a scythe is should produce hay (50% chance). This only works when there is a silo with space. This does not work in her save on Switch. She even started a new playthrough to see if...
  11. MrTeapoT

    With #Hilltop layout, Can GRASS grow on dirt in quarry section?

    I'm planning for my next spring layout. So if you guy ever try this yourself please let me know. Thanks for further help :)
  12. shurpresa

    Fresh grass for animals

    Hello there! First post here, a newbie player, if this is not the correcto place, let me know please. What range does the animals have for searching for wild grass? I have a full coop and a small barn and I have so much trouble to find enough fiber to make grass for them :S ALso winter is...
  13. redbobcat

    Tip: Lots of grass on a first day of spring

    On the last day of winter (28th) plant just a few grass starters where you want tall grass to grow. On the first day of spring you will get big green patches of grass growing in those places.
  14. redbobcat

    Auto Grass Grower

    Auto Grass Grower - an automatic device that when placed on a ground will sprout several tufts of tall grass around it overnight. To feed the farm animals.
  15. Darth Revan

    PC Grass Starter

    Is there a way for the grass to grow faster? I have the animals locked up in an area and I do the trick of putting a fence on top of a patch of grass but I notice that the grass runs out fast and grows very slow