ginger island farm

  1. Switch Ginger Island Fishing Bug

    Sea fish are caught in the Ginger Island rivers and ponds. There is no point in using dedicated bait.
  2. Linux Cannot plant seeds in garden pots on eastern edge of Ginger Island Farm

    On Ginger Island Farm I cannot plant seeds in most of the garden pots I have placed in one of the 2 columns of untillable tiles on the east edge of the farm map. I've attached a picture from Stardew Planner highlighting the tiles, I will work on getting an actual screenshot and save file off my...
  3. iOS Ginger Island Lag

    I’ve been playing SDV on iOS for a long time (I am updated to 18.0 right now.) I recently started playing again when 1.6 came out and I am currently updated to the most recent version: 1.614.3 build 24321. I also play single player. I am posting here because I have ran into a few glitches, with...
  4. Saxifrage

    Android Bad and naughty furniture gets sent to The Void

    v1.6.14.3 build 24321 but has been around for multiple versions of 1.6 on Android 14. I think this is a fun new version of the longstanding furniture-placement jankiness on Android, where sometimes when you try to place a furniture piece on a tile, the piece instead winds up on a tile far away...
  5. Switch Unable to save and wake up on Ginger Island

    I have already built the farm hut on ginger island and have been getting sent to the main farm. a few notes. 1. I am the host on a local co-op save file. 2. only I am having the issue my partner does not have any issues. 3. if I go to bed on ginger island and keep playing everything works like...
  6. Windows Ginger Island crab pot placeable tile bug

    happens when I try to place the pot in the water behind that tile. thank you in advance for checking this out :) I use steam and my game is fully up to date. 1.5.something, err...
  7. Windows [BUG] Ginger Island Forage Soil

    Season forage seeds untill the soil on the ginger island farm. This was fixed on the main farm, but not ginger island, so I assume it isn't intentional.
  8. DeadPeng1

    Xbox [BUG] Passing out on Ginger Island

    Passing out on Ginger Island will cause you to spawn outside the bounds of the house
  9. PC No energy regeneration when sleeping at Ginger Island

    When I go to sleep on Ginger Island, my energy doesn't regenerate. Is that a bug or a feature? I couldn't find any information about this problem.
  10. PC [BUG] [SPOILER] Crops Dissapearing on Ginger Island

    ~2-3 of my ancient fruit crops are disappearing every day on ginger island. They're all watered, and all of them are on deluxe Speed-Gro. This has been happening from year 2 winter - year 3 spring. The empty tiles on the farm are where fully grown and 2-week old ancient fruit crops used to be...
  11. Switch [BUG] All Ginger Island interior gone after Witch cutscene (Multiplayer)

    I was playing in split screen multiplayer. My wife (host) was sleeping on our farm, I was sleeping on the Ginger Island farm. When we went to bed the cutscene with the witch "blessing" the coop occured. When the next day started all the furniture in the Ginger Island hut was gone including the...
  12. ValentinesForever1

    PC Help! Golden Walnuts on Farm not Popping

    I'm not sure what the chance is for a harvested crop to yield a golden walnut, but I've harvested hundreds and hundreds of crops. Not a one has resulted in a golden walnut. I've almost gotten all the walnuts at this point, except these. Are there certain spots on the farm where you're supposed...
  13. Switch [BUG] Co-op ginger island mailbox bug

    When in local co-op on ginger island, after spending the golden nuts to activate the mailbox, everytime we pass an item between each other on the farm the animation for the mailbox repair happens and we lose 5 golden nuts. This has happened to us twice and so we have lost 10 golden nuts. Edit...
  14. bcmpinc

    PC [BUG?] Growing Wheat, Kale and Amaranth on the island farm does not yield golden walnuts.

    While reading through the game's code I noticed that HoeDirt.performUseAction contains code that drops golden walnuts on the islands farm, however, HoeDirt.performToolAction, which is used for harvesting with the scythe, does not contain such code. The effect is that growing wheat, kale and...
  15. numsku1l

    PC [BUG] Potential bug with gourmand frog.

    I encountered what may be a bug with the Gourmand Frog quest on Ginger Island, but it's possible I'm just not understanding the logic of the puzzle. I have searched Google as well as this forum specifically and I haven't found this particular issue being reported. I'm playing on PC (Steam)...
  16. BlaDe

    PC [BUG] Furnaces placed behind the bush on the island can't be harvested when the bush becomes the shipping bin

    I don't know if this happens for other items. A furnace that is behind the shipping bin that was placed before the sleep hut was fixed can't be harvested by interacting with it. You have to use a tool to pop the furnace.
  17. Issue Can't plant on ginger island farm

    Whenever I try to plant seeds it says that I can only plant seeds on the farm. i already got the farm house fixed.
  18. Solved [Possible BUG] honey flower in Ginger island

    Hello, I have encounter an issue in Ginger Island, but I don't know if it's a bug or if it's intentional. The issue : In Ginger Island (farm side), when harvesting flower honey from flower that doesn't match the season (exemple : during winter, harvesting fairy roses honey), the honey disapear...
  19. PC [BUG] Enter save on my farm and not Ginger Island

    I have found that if I exit the game after sleeping on the farm on Ginger Island and reenter the same save file I am now at my normal farm rather than where I left off on Ginger Island. I'm not sure if it was meant to be like this or not.