
  1. The RTG Gaming

    Add Celery Crop

    I think celery would be a great add-on to the fall - winter crop. It can give you 20 - 40 energy while raw. and it can go in stews as a new food item.
  2. Cyra

    Android Game gets sometimes stuck in the mines

    Hello, it has happened a few times now that my game got stuck when I am eating in the mines. I think it happens when there are a lot of monsters. Last time it had changed colors and a lot of monsters appeared.I ate something so I don't die and then the game got stuck. When it continued the food...
  3. iceman42dave

    Windows Qi Seasoned buff foods show same duration as unseasoned counterparts

    This only applies for sure to Seafoam Pudding, Ginger Ale, and Lucky Lunches, the only foods I have Qi seasoned. While the buffs, health and energy levels have all increased, the duration is still showing the same as the unseasoned counterpart.
  4. Switch Energy tonic bug

    Whenever drinking an energy tonic from Harvey's, it only gives some slight energy and no health or does nothing at all. Other food and drinks still have and do normal effects, like the spicy eel still gives energy, health, and boosts, but the energy tonic does almost nothing
  5. WhitePistachio

    What's your fav dish, fruit, vegetable and dessert?

    SO my fav dish is pasta with bolognese sauce, my favourite fruit is tangerine, I hate almost every vegetable, but I guess I'll go with onion and my favourite dessert is tiramisu, cake Pavlova(prolly because that's my surname lmao/j) and nougat(PISTACHIOS). What's yourss..??????????
  6. Loringsaurus

    Trash Bear - Mystery Food Item!!

    Ok, so I have spent all night on every thread I can find trying to figure out what this food item is. Now, I come to you good people begging for help! What does trash bear want from me?!
  7. What's the food that you usually eat to fill your energy and health?

    I drink large iridium quality goat milk, it's really overpowered.
  8. PC [BUG] - Entering Mid-Game Building - Eating Food - Minor Bug

    Sorry for the confusing tag. There is no specific OSX tag, but I assume PC is the closest rather than iOS. Noticed a very small bug on Stardew Valley running on OSX 10.15.3 through Steam. I ate a Spicy Eel at the exact moment that I entered the greenhouse in mid-winter year 2, between the 11th...
  9. AtomsJosh

    Add a Hunger bar!

    I'm thinking, what if players have hunger bar that is different from health or energy? Cuz My fridge is full of food and I'm always ending days without eating (you know what i mean), so if there is a hunger bar players will constantly need to eat. I know I sound ridiculous but it's something you...
  10. Darth Revan

    Solved [HELP] Food receipe

    If I miss a "The Queen of Sauce" recipe, can't I get it again?