fishing level

  1. Crab Pot Question (Not Important)

    Did anyone else level up their fishing level just to make crab traps for Elliot? Is it worth upgrading my fishing skill up more? Also, do I NEED to buy a better fishing rod, or can I just use the one Willy gave me when I first met him?
  2. PS4 Looking for people to play with

    I’m looking for 2 other people to play with (age 13, mic Is preferred but if your not comfortable that’s ok, time zone GMT +3 if you have discord I’ll leave my info in chat or we can make a PS party language is English)
  3. Laissez_Faire_Farming

    [SPOILER ALERT] What is the highest level can you reach in fishing? What kind of fish can you catch from this level?[SPOILER ALERT]

    -SPOILER ALERT!- I am a lazy game player. I am not into fishing, but I am more interested in fixing games or coding problems. Then, I got a crazy idea to create a thread about math, fishing levels and making everyone participate in fishing. () This thread aims to allow you and other people to...