
  1. imnvs

    Fish Pickles

    No, seriously, in real life, you can pickle fish. I come from a region where pickled herring is a common appetizer or snack food at parties of all varieties including holidays. I would like to suggest that fish be able to be pickled in SDV. Of course this would be done in preserves jars, but I...
  2. Nathan2076

    What is the best fish to put in the Fish Pond?

    I recently built a Fish Pond and now I want to know what is the best fish to put in there.
  3. Farm Farm

    PC [BUG] Caught fishes don't register in the fish collection.

    Some of the catch in the crab pot aren't recognized in the Fish Collection. In my case, specifically the crab, cockle, mussel, and oyster. I have tried: -shipping them and checking the next day -putting in inventory before ending the day -playing it without the mods (initially played it without...
  4. Deniak

    PC [BUG] Problem with the 1.4 fishes

    The fishes of the 1.4 don't appear. I have been fishing for 2 years of the game already, following the conditions established in the game wiki, and still I have not been able to catch the two new fish.
  5. More fish pond colors!

    I would like a whole variety of colors in fish ponds, depending on the kind of fish and all that. Right now we only have 4 that can do that, and I’d like there to be more. For example, rainbow trout=rainbow, squids=black,catfish=gray, etc