fence bug

  1. Windows Horse collision body doesn't register to fences when turning while moving

    If you ride a horse parallel to a fence, and turn right/left into it without stopping, then you can ride through the fence.
  2. Switch [BUG] Junimos getting stuck

    Hey, so I play on switch, latest version. I built some hunimo huts and noticed a few of them were unable to harvest everything, despite other junimo huts being able to. I watched them work and it turn out they were getting stuck on fences. This issue only seems to occur if the plant they are...
  3. PC [HELP] I can't place fences and path anywhere

    steam PC MAC 1.5.5 I can't place fences and path anywhere whether mods are used or not. But it works well with furniture. I don't know what the problem is.
  4. stefanconciu

    Solved Unable to place anything

    I wanted to try the new map that has been added: the beach map. I am playing the latest official version of the game as of 17/10/2021, with no mods of any kind, on Steam. So, I started a new game. I have noticed the following over the span of 7 in game days. On the first day I was able to...
  5. PC horse fence bug

    I just make a bug that with my horse i just pressed at d (works with a too) and w(works with s too) repeatly and i got in fence i dont know if someone had this bug but i wanted to report it.
  6. HypeS84

    PC Fence-Riding on horseback

    i just found out that you're still able to go through fences if you're mounted on your horse and go left to right repeatedly while pressing down on a vertical fence. i've only tested this on hardwood fence but it's probably possible with other kinds as well.
  7. Switch [BUG] Pass through fences bug.

    Currently the is a bug in the game that allows you to pass through every fence (i'm talking about fences you place on your farm). While riding a horse if you go as close to a fence as possible, start moving parallel to the fence and then make a turn toward the fence, you pass right through it. I...
  8. PC Horse can go through fences

    A small but really weird one, I found when you move down, then instantly turn left into a hardwood fence with your house, you can basically phase through it. If you go straight into it won't work, but quickly move down then left and you can shift through it.
  9. PC [BUG] Corner of stone fences don't line up

    It appears it only affects the type of corner next to my character as I've looked around the rest of the square perimeter and only this one has the issue. The bottom-right one looks a bit less perfect than the top-right and bottom-left ones but it looks fine
  10. DrawingGoose

    PC [HELP] fence bug

    I dont know if this is already known but you kan walk through a fence when you are on a horse. if you ride your hore realy close next to a fence you can walk through it.