farm buildings

  1. iOS Farm Animals Disappearing After Moving Buildings

    I’m playing a co-op game on an iPad on the standard farm and encountered a bug where my farm animals disappeared after moving their buildings. The first time I moved my coop and barn, all my chickens and ducks disappeared, but my barn animals remained. Since only the coop animals vanished, I...
  2. Mira__Exists

    Question modded farm help (reset buildings)

    hi !!! i recently started a new save and i decided i want to change the farm layout to a different mod - i've done this in the past, but this time im having trouble, the buildings won't move to wear i want them and it's all glitchy :,D is there any way i can functionally reset the farm (new...
  3. Unbreakable items and other issues

    I do not know if this is an issue with my mods but I have I think 31 installed. I cannot put water in my pets water bowl or move it, I think it is a custom pet house for Grandpa's farm in stardew valley expanded? There is a random decorative log in front of my shipping bin and it will not break...
  4. Searoam

    1.6 Update [Spoiler] A change that negatively affects old saves

    As much as I've liked most of the changes and alterations introduced in 1.6, there is one that negatively affects players like myself who routinely play older saves. The recent downsizing of the Slime Hutch's footprint from 11x6 to 7x4 negatively affects the layout of farms that deliberately...
  5. REtroGeekery

    Carpenter's Shop Changes I'd Like to See in an Update

    I feel like these changes would further allow players to create their ideal farm and town. Give the 'Community Upgrades' their own listing separate from the Farmhouse upgrades. Maybe available after the first Farmhouse upgrade and/or after a certain number of hearts are earned? Or it could pop...