
  1. Switch Divorce Bug in Version

    Hey there, Know that this topic Is known but Just also wantet to report, Im On my Year three Save and i tryed to divorce Sebastian , but Everytime i tryed my Game Crashes after i Go to bed, It Is really Frustrating me because i Just wantet to divorce Sebastian and now can't Do It because It...
  2. PlayStation Divorce glitch

    Hi guys. I'm using v 1.6.9 build 37. Ps4. Controller. Single player. I'm on year 6 and have completed perfection (apart from the prarie king stuff). I've been married for about 4 years now and have recently tried to divorce my spouse. Every time I put through the divorce and go to sleep at the...
  3. Switch Can’t divorce!

    Every time I try to divorce Elliot the game says there’s an error and it resets to the beginning of the day. Is there a fix?
  4. Solved Cant get divorced

    Everytime I try to divorce an npc in multiplayer online, the game completely crashes once you go to bed. Help fix it!
  5. PlayStation Divorce bug

    The game crashes each time I try to divorce my partner and save for the next day. I tried saving without requesting a divorce and the game did not crash. Apparently I’m not allowed to divorce Sebastian😵‍💫
  6. GB44BY

    Xbox divorce crash

    hi, i'm in year 2 on xbox one married to abigail, everytime i try to divorce her and then sleep, my game crashes but i don't want to be with abigail anymore. any help?
  7. Windows Feast of the Winter Star Secret Friend Bug

    I was married to Shane, but we got divorced before the Feast of the Winter Star. Then, I received an email from Lewis saying my secret friend for the festival was Shane. At first, I thought it was a joke or some kind of Easter egg, but then I found out it was just a bug! 😂 On the day of the...
  8. RubyMary

    Harvey left me alone at home a day after our wedding.

    Did I do something wrong? We got married on a winter Saturday, on Sunday, I woke up, we talked, he gave me an English breakfast, I gave him a kiss and I went to work, not the farm. At nightfall, I made sure to return before his bedtime, and I stayed waiting for him until 2am, when I fell asleep...
  9. Nini Ru

    Question Mode for making pre- and after-marrige dialog more passionate

    Hello, guys! I'm Nini Ru and I'm new at the Stardew Valley community. I want to ask you about my idea -would it be intresting for someone exсept me and my friens? I have a BIG idea wich will require a lot of work. Do you think that it's a little bit strange that we DEEEEEPLY fall in love only...
  10. Xbox [BUG] Duplicaton and loss after divorce

    Happened in 1.4 Friend and I played on multiplayer and after they divorced Abigail and used the shrine to make Abigail forget, the next day their furniture was duplicated and a legendary fish they had on a pedestal was gone
  11. Question about multiple spouses and children??

    So I know how to marry and divorce spouses, but my question is more involved with children: if I were to have a child with one npc, could I divorce them and remarry to have my second child with another npc? And would I have to wait for the first child to be fully grown or can I basically give...
  12. Riliane

    Switch Bug

    After divorcing Penny, and shifting out of the farmhouse, the game sort of bugged and now I have 2 furniture catalouge. Because I think I put the catalouge beside Penny's room, where she was suppose to be and it bugged.