disappearing item

  1. Switch Secret Notes Disappearing

    Switch, 1.6, new farm. When my inventory is full and I receive a secret note, the note disappears once I clear a spot in my inventory along with any other dropped items. This has happened 3 times since the update. thanks for all the hard work on this great update though!!!
  2. Switch Reward from Gunther disappeared

    Turned in something to Gunther and received a reward (Dwarvish Translation Guide). When I went to accept it into my inventory, it just completely disappeared. It didnt drop, its nowhere in my inventory, not in lost and found. Single player, Switch, on an old save file I started before this...
  3. PC [BUG] Mini-Fridge disappeared!

    I filled my mini fridge (got it from Gus in a side quest) with all my cooked items and after sleeping I woke up and the fridge was just gone! Like the whole fridge was just no longer there along with all the food inside. I checked all the chests to see if the items had gone in or something and...
  4. Switch [BUG] Items disappearing

    I had a stack of over 200 mushrooms I carry around for energy, and then one day I didn’t have it anymore. I definitely didn’t suddenly eat them all. I haven’t been selling to Pierre anymore, I just use the shipping bin now. The collections tab says I’ve only ever sold one mushroom, so that can’t...
  5. PC [BUG] Using coffee machine in bed causes coffee machine to disappear

    On PC multiplayer with me as host, run through Steam. Error occurred in second-size house and was replicatable. Bug happened about a week ago. I put my coffee machine to the right hand side of my bed, and in the morning just moved right whilst still "in bed" and took the coffee out of the...
  6. PC Bug: Disappearing Machines

    I woke up one morning to find that my workbench, three kegs, a seed machine, a jukebox, a geode crusher, a recycler, and a farm computer disappearing from my farm. This was during winter, so there were no weeds around that could have destroyed these items. These disappearances coincided with...
  7. Qwan

    PC [BUG] Bed bug!

    Major bed bug in my game since the update. I wish it were just a fightable army of bed bugs but no... Instead my one child's bed has become invisible (it still exists and takes up space, and the child just *stands* in the space it should be to sleep...) But I tried rearranging my room with dear...
  8. Professor Brian O'blivion

    PC [BUG] Enchanted Pickaxe disappeared

    My enchanted pickaxe vanish over night and then I received a letter saying I had a tool in lost and found. It was a new pickaxe. It, of course, was the basic one. I had to go through the whole process with all the upgrades from Clint and then spend (waste) more Prismatic Shards and Cinder Shards...
  9. PC [BUG] Forging 2 rings

    Just attempted to put 2 rings into the forge, however didn't have enough cinder shards to complete the forge process, but it still consumed my second ring :(( It's no longer equipped or in inventory
  10. Switch [HELP] Disappearing kegs (and contents)

    Howdy- this has happened twice. Only considered it a bug after googling the issue and seeing this reddit post from 9 months ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/fczb4r/kegs_and_preserve_jars_disappearing_over_night/ I've had about 10-15 kegs disappear twice now. I tried...
  11. iOS [BUG] Disappearing items

    I had gotten the mermaid’s pendant and stored it in a chest, but when I was going to use it, it had disappeared. It’s also happened with other items.
  12. VTea

    PC [BUG] Deployable Items Breaks When Surrounded With Other Deployable Items

    Was making a crystalarium farm and encased myself in crystalariums by accident, discovered that I destroyed a few when I was holding right click and I had to reset my day. Did some more testing and discovered that you can single left click and instantly destroy and place another placeable item...
  13. Americandream48

    Solved [BUG] Charcoal Kiln disappeared

    I completed the crafts room bundle in the community center and was awarded with a charcoal kiln. When I returned to my farm, one of my two charcoal kilns had disappeared and was replaced by a small plant. (The weeds that you chop for fiber).