
  1. PC Leah says Winter instead of Sommer, German edition,

    Leah's German text for Summer Sat. is "Das fließende Wasser hält mein Haus im Winter ein wenig kühler." The English is "The flowing water keeps my house a little bit cooler in summer." which makes more sense. I'm pretty sure the "Winter" in the German version should say "Sommer".
  2. Multiplayer NPC marriage dialogue

    A problem we're getting on a multiplayer farm with some friends is that, although we're all married if we speak to each others wives they give their bachelorette dialogue. For example, one of my friends married Penny, and if I talk to her while she's standing at his house porch she complains...
  3. PC [BUG] Professor Snail dialogue stuck

    Hello guys Сan you help me please? I'm playing Russian version and I got stuck on this dialogue In English version the conversation continues normally Yes, I can skip it It's freezes after "Mushroom Salad"
  4. PC [BUG] Character speech out of season.

    I have Elliot as my husband, and I noticed that one of his quotes where he hopes a butterfly will land on him occurs even during the Winter. I just thought that maybe it was missed when determining the circumstances for certain dialogue choices and wanted to bring attention to it since there...
  5. Android [BUG] Cranky Spouse Sebastian at 14 hearts?

    I guess this might be a bug and might not. Sebastian and my character are presumably happily married, and he's getting his favorite Sashimi every day. Hearts are steady at 14, and they have a little girl. It's very sweet. Nonetheless, twice now he's entered the house while my character has...
  6. blizzy461

    Change Clint's dialogue if you marry Emily

    He keeps hitting on her and while it was funny the first time it's kinda a bit skeezy having him ask me to give my wife gifts and things (and I'm guessing if I get his hearts up his event in the saloon is the same).