dark tailsman

  1. Xbox Can't access Mutant Bug Lair

    My fiancé and I are working on achieving perfection before 1.6 gets released, but we've encountered a bug that will prevent my fiancé from achieving perfection. The community center has long been completed, the movie theater is in Joja's place, and we've pretty much got almost everything except...
  2. PC [HELP] The Dark Talisman

    I'm on the 6th year and i completed both Community Center and JojaMarket tasks but i cant still trigger The Dark Talisman quest. I go to place that Witch's Cave supposed to be, going railroad everyday, i have 10 hearts between me and Wizard but cant have the guest. Could someone help with that
  3. Switch [BUG] Dark talisman question not triggered

    I’ve completed my community Center and I haven’t gotten a cutscene at the railroad. I’m in year three and I’ve tried everything. I can’t access the swamp. Really bums me out that I can’t unlock any of the content that follows.