cutscene bug

  1. Switch Event script error, Robin's hardwood quest cutscene ( ver)

    An error occurs when entering the mountain between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m
  2. Switch Black Screen after cutscene

    explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens); your version number, including build number (see instructions below); full error text, if any (see instructions below); please upload your save file! what OS and device you are using; in-game language; single-player or...
  3. TheLionKim

    Switch Spouse ceases to exist?

    Alright, so after the 1.6 update, I started a new farm and married Sebastian. Sometimes (I’m trying to find a pattern) he just doesn’t exist in the game. I looked up his married schedule and checked those places, etc. but he’s still just gone (example: saw Sam playing pool by himself on Friday)...
  4. iOS Missão dos ovos não carrega a cena 😭😭😭😭

    Fiz a missão de colocar duas dúzias de ovos na geladeira do Gus e estava tudo certo. Quando entrei na taberna pra cena do pessoal comendo o omelete A CENA NÃO CARREGOU!!!! ficou tudo preto e uns textos em vermelho na parte de baixo que não entendi 😭😭😭😭 perdi essa cena que eu amo 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  5. Android Prologue cutscene bus doesn't appear.

    The starting cutscene of bus going to stardew doesn't completely lower. It stops lowering right when the road is about to appear. I'm on Android 14 and my display aspect ratio is 20:9, It wasn't a bug before 1.6.
  6. Android No dialogue at Pierre's cutscene in co-op

    I'm the host of the world, me and my friend both triggered the 1st cutscene inside Pierre's store where Morris is giving away Joja discount vouchers. The music plays but the game is paused and there's no dialogue, I ended up skipping the cutscene entirely, the red hair character at the...
  7. Android Zoomed in intro cutscene

    Intro cutscene got zoomed in on android version. This is my second save since I downloaded the latest version of the game just a few hours ago. In the first save it even zoomed in much more, to the point only the upper left corner of the stardew valley sign was visible. Game version: v1.6.13...
  8. PlayStation Co-op Split Screen Cutscene Bug

    On PS5 I triggered the cutscene where the jojamart guy come into Pierre’s shop for the first time. My partner was already in a cutscene (Lewis’s price machine) and my cutscene overrode hers. When the cutscene finished her character was nowhere to be seen and couldn’t move or anything.
  9. Windows Me and my friends found a bug

    In multiplayer one of my friends got Sams 2 heart cutscene, but at the same time one of my other friends walked into Pierres and got the cutscene where Morris annouces a sale on jojamart. when the Pierre cutscene ended, my friend who got sams cutscene ended up in the black area of the house. My...
  10. KeySmasher

    Windows Emily's 6-heart event has a great deal of light flashing when 'show flash effects' setting is unchecked.

    The show that Emily puts on involves a light show that may trigger eye strain for people with photo sensitivity. The option to turn off 'show flash effects' helps with this with regard to lightning, but an alternative dance show needs to be put in place for this event. Of course, there needs to...
  11. Windows First cinema cutscene didn't play

    This is the first time I've used the cinema since unlocking it, and when I went to see the movie I got this error. I restarted the game and did pretty much everything again, but I still got the error a second time. I didn't get into the cutscene, and when I tried to go back in the door it said...
  12. Mac No animation played for bridge completion

    Howdy, When I went to sleep after completing the crafts bundle, the cutscene of the bridge being fixed didn't happen. I also completed the pantry bundle that same day, and the greenhouse repair was fixed. Not sure if bug or expected behavior.
  13. Windows Marriage Cutscene

    I don't know if this is a bug, but I would like some help with it. I accidentally skipped a marriage cutscene and the game won't let me rewatch it. I've tried redoing the save, but I just wake up in the house and Harvey is there, already married to me. I went on some other forums and saw that...
  14. AxeSoul

    Windows [BUG] The Skip Button on Grandpa's Cutscene Doesn't Show up Depending on The Language

    Hi, stardew speedrunner here! I was doing a test run for a new marriage speedrun strategy I'm testing out and I found that I couldn't skip the grandpa year 3 review cutscene despite another runner being able to. The only difference I could see was language (I was using english, they were using...
  15. valuemeal2

    Switch Heart Events/Cutscenes not triggering!

    I play on Switch, and I started this save before the 1.5 update came out. Year 7 of the game, if that matters. Spoilers for 1.5 below! None of Leo's cutscenes will trigger, no matter what I try. I haven't gotten his 2 OR 6 heart scenes. I've tried entering every area on Ginger Island by...
  16. Issue Summit Cutscene doesn't trigger

    Hey everyone! So I'm kind of losing my mind over here - I have achieved perfection, I even got acess to the statue but when I went to the summit to see the cutscene, a cutscene involving Kent (SVE) started, and when it ended the perfection cutscene didn't happen. I had seen a post before stating...
  17. Windows Small cutscene bug

    Found that if your married to penny, when she finishes redecorating your room but you also got asked the question of if you want a child or not, then you will be stuck in your bed in a softlock. only being able to exit via closing the game window or via steam. Of course I would try to recreate...
  18. PlayStation Can't Trigger "Juicy Bugs Wanted!" Cutscene

    Hey everyone! I'm honestly at a loss, so I did the Juicy Bugs Wanted quest, got the blank letter off Willy but didn't realise I needed to go to the beach for a cutscene, until an in-game year later... I've gone to the beach in every season on a clear day and nothing is triggering, I'm scared I'm...
  19. Android Cutscenes aren't playing on mobile (android)

    Type of phone: I have an S21, and this issue has been occuring before the 1.5 update. When I reach a Cutscene in game, it doesn't play. The music will start, and it will show the starting frame, but there is no conversation between the characters or anything :)
  20. RositheCat

    iOS [BUG] Some cutscenes don’t play

    Okay, so, I’m here again. Some cutscenes don’t work, mainly ones with Sebastian and Linus. You can see the idle animations playing, hear the music, but that’s it. Nothing happens. It just sits there and doesn’t play.