corrupted file

  1. Windows Black screen after going to sleep and the game crashes

    Hello, I seem to have corrupted my Stardew Valley save file. Everytime I go to sleep, i get a black screen for some seconds and then my game crashes. I did have mods installed but after this issue i uninstalled all of them including SMAPI and the same issue persists. (I believe the issue might...
  2. Windows [HELP] Save Files Keep Getting Corrupted

    Hello everyone, My Stardew save file keeps getting corrupted. No mods. I have to keep downloading the save files from the cloud. First, my save file disappeared. Second, it crashed every time I loaded my corrupted file but not my other save. Any advice? It's an easy fix but it kinda freaks me...
  3. Switch [HELP] Nintendo switch stability

    My s/o and I have been playing STV on switch for the past 2 weeks or so now and have experienced MANY set backs. The furthest we've gotten is fall year 1 before a game breaking crash. Usually these come In the form of a lost connection that results in the world becoming corrupted. Other times a...
  4. PC [HELP] Corrupted File after Alt+F4 and even "_old" don't work

    I've been playing coop with my gf for a few weekends now, we are on the spring of the third year, on the in-game day of the tragedy we did flooring on the farm (more on this later) and I created a bunch of casks and was placing then on the Quarry after blow up the stones, it was past midnight...
  5. PC [HELP] Game Crashing when loading save file

    Hello, it's been a while since I've played Stardew Valley so I decided to install it again, but then when I load my save file my game froze and crashed. I don't know if it changes anything but it's a modded save, so I don't know if it got corrupted because of the mods I downloaded. If anything...