corrupted file

  1. invasionzames

    Windows game crashes when trying to save any file

    This has happened to me twice now. I'll be playing for many hours, and then when I try to save the game it will crash. The save file will then disappear from the game. But if I try and start a BRAND NEW save file, the game will crash when saving THAT file too. I was able to "fix" the problem by...
  2. Issue [HELP]Corrupt Save File/File Gone/Won't Show In Game Pls help

    Somehow my main PC gameplay file peachy farm has become corrupt and I can't recover it on my own. I do have mods but I'm not too tech savy so everything I've tried has failed so far and I fear I've possibly made it worse. Please help, I'm genuinely crying and tweaking over this I've put sooooo...
  3. Windows Black screen after going to sleep and the game crashes

    Hello, I seem to have corrupted my Stardew Valley save file. Everytime I go to sleep, i get a black screen for some seconds and then my game crashes. I did have mods installed but after this issue i uninstalled all of them including SMAPI and the same issue persists. (I believe the issue might...
  4. Windows [HELP] Save Files Keep Getting Corrupted

    Hello everyone, My Stardew save file keeps getting corrupted. No mods. I have to keep downloading the save files from the cloud. First, my save file disappeared. Second, it crashed every time I loaded my corrupted file but not my other save. Any advice? It's an easy fix but it kinda freaks me...
  5. Switch [HELP] Nintendo switch stability

    My s/o and I have been playing STV on switch for the past 2 weeks or so now and have experienced MANY set backs. The furthest we've gotten is fall year 1 before a game breaking crash. Usually these come In the form of a lost connection that results in the world becoming corrupted. Other times a...
  6. PC [HELP] Corrupted File after Alt+F4 and even "_old" don't work

    I've been playing coop with my gf for a few weekends now, we are on the spring of the third year, on the in-game day of the tragedy we did flooring on the farm (more on this later) and I created a bunch of casks and was placing then on the Quarry after blow up the stones, it was past midnight...
  7. PC [HELP] Game Crashing when loading save file

    Hello, it's been a while since I've played Stardew Valley so I decided to install it again, but then when I load my save file my game froze and crashed. I don't know if it changes anything but it's a modded save, so I don't know if it got corrupted because of the mods I downloaded. If anything...