co-op bug

  1. Windows Changing host in co-op games

    Hello! I have been playing co-op with a friend for a month, and he was the host of the game. Now he doesn't want to continue playing but I would like to continue since we played a lot of hours together and I don't want to start from scratch. So I got the game save and tried to follow severeal...
  2. Switch Community Center Bundles Permanently Missing

    Playing co op, when a connection error made us lose our game. We were able to get out game back, but lost all museum progress and now all bundle plaques are missing. We have 40 hours in game, but did not complete bundles. Any way to get the community center plaques back?
  3. Windows Invitation Code isn't generating

    I've been trying to play with a friend of mine for around half an hour now, but we found a problem that both of us have. You see, we were trying to play through the Invitation Code method, and unlike most people, I am getting both the "Invite Friends" and "Invitation Code" buttons, but the catch...
  4. Switch Forge access glitch

    I’m playing 2-player split-screen co-op on the Switch, and just got access to Ginger Island. My farmhand 2nd player entered the volcano first, and I immediately followed. I went straight over to the locked door on the right, and clicked around to see if there were any messages. While I was...
  5. Switch Mines, Skull Cave and Lava Cavern crashes on local Co-Op

    I've seen a few threads that cover parts of this but just thought I'd put down my experiences here for posterity sake. Like a lot of people I experience crashing through out the day, usually at the end of the day after around 3 nights but if we restart the game after around 3 days it seems to...
  6. Switch Co-Op save file lost after crashing?

    The last few days on my co op world it will kick me out with an error code, usually after about an in game day and a half. This has never been a problem until a couple days ago, I’ve done every troubleshooting thing I can for the error code (error code 2618-0006) and nothing. I’ve already...
  7. Windows Multiplayer online co-op not working

    Me and my gf are trying to play online co-op both on windows. I have the Microsoft store version and she has the steam version When either of us tries to join the hosts farm, it says connecting for a while before it fails. We also tried connecting via LAN but we get the same message...
  8. Windows Stacks of items in my chest are being set to 1

    I started a new co-op run with my friend, and around day 6 we first noticed this, where he had distinctly put 2 copper bars in the chest, but when i opened later, there was only 1. then on day 10, he opened the chest, and we noticed our couple hundred wood had been reduced down to 1.
  9. PlayStation 4th Friend Can't Join Co-Op Server

    Hello, I am on a playstation world with two other friends in our first summer season. We are trying to add a fourth person to our server so he can play with us. I created a fourth cabin and invited him as he is one of my playstation friends. Each time he clicks on my farm to join, it gives the...
  10. Switch [Co-op] Farmhand unable to access Community Centre, Wizard or Ginger Island due to letter/mail bug

    I am playing as a farmhand on my friend’s island. We are playing Version on Nintendo Switch with no mods, vanilla. My mailbox at my house always shows an unread mail/letter icon, but every time I click it I read the same letter every time and am unable to move onto the next letter...
  11. Switch Bug??

    I play on switch and the version i play is 1.6.9 and build 37. So I was doing a multi-player game and my switch had turned off while in the middle of it so when I go back onto the software it no longer says it's a co-op. It's now only a single player game but doesn't have a name, doesn't show...
  12. Android Farmhands freeze in place

    I am playing Stardew Valley 1.6.15 Build 24354 with the Experimental Co-op on a Redmi Note 11 (Android 11) Every once in a while one of my farmhands freezes in place and I have to gift them something to unfreeze them, they can still open their inventories but can't move
  13. Switch Co-Op causing multiple issues after update

    During co-op on occasion if one player goes to the mines it will eventually cause the game to start bugging on one side of the co-op screen (primarily the first player screen only) and duplicating (in image only) resources, enemies, rocks, etc. after breaking/attacking them, that then get frozen...
  14. PlayStation Comprehensive List of Local Co-op Glitches 1.6 - Console

    All of the following bugs were noticed on a new save file after the 1.6 update on a PS4. These bugs have been noticed multiple times, even upon restarting console and redownloading the game. I have also included the ways we have worked around them in our save. Ginger Island Volcano Improper...
  15. Xbox Co-op problem

    So me and my friend have a world on co-op and we haven't played in a couple months or so but we wanted to log on today and play but they had a problem with there character saying that character belongs to a different person but they played on that character with the same account? So we need help
  16. KarmaWoolley

    Switch Queen of sauce cookbook not appearing

    After getting all the walnuts on ginger island on switch multiplayer local co-op, the queen of sauce recipe book isn't showing up at the bookseller for either of the players at all. Would like to know if other players are experiencing this as well?
  17. PlayStation Dinosaur glitch

    Dinosaurs have always glitched out the screen on co-op, making it almost impossible to move on the screen at all until death, but its especially terrible now. Now it actually is impossible. Wild how I rarely see it mentioned, but its been mentioned a handful of times on PS4 and Switch since...
  18. Android Stop moving

    While the host can play without any problems, the player who joined from time to time can simply stand still and stop moving in any way, the menu also does not open, only the inventory panel moves. This error is very common in the mine. Please, help Android 12. Stardew Valley
  19. Xbox Splitscreen Co-Op Bug

    Just posting here so maybe it can become aware so others don’t face the issue. As playing split screen co-op on Xbox V 1.6. I passed out from exhaustion and my charter began waking up and passing back out continuously. The other player going to bed and passing out did not fix it and time did not...
  20. Xbox Sell/Shipping screen mismatch during Split Screen Co-op

    The sell/shipping screens of the two players will show different final amounts if a mini shipping bin is placed inside the player host's house and items are placed in it to sell. The total price of these items is accounted for on the host sell screen but not the co-op player's screen even when...