
  1. PC [BUG] Audio Issue

    I am having an issue where some times the audio will completely crash. This usually happens after a dialogue cutscene (I just started a new playthrough and so it has happened again when I first entered the mine and got my sword) and when I leave that conversation, the audio is completely gone. I...
  2. PC [BUG] 1.5 spoiler bugs

    I found 2 bugs while playing the new update. There will be spoilers. The first is when buying a master slingshot from Marlon it gives you a regular slingshot instead. The second is an error with Leo's pathing when he comes to live in the valley. It is Friday the 26th with stormy weather. I just...
  3. Xbox [BUG] Crashing at Specific Time & Location

    Hi! I love my first ever play through but I’ve run into a snag. Every time at 5:50 or 6:50 if I’m anywhere near my shed by my house, my game crashes, I tried moving it to no avail :( I want to keep playing but I can’t get thru a day with it crashing
  4. PC [BUG] help!! oyster not appearing in collections

    Despite having obtained, sold, and placed oysters in chests it still says that it's unknown! Is there any way I can fix this?
  5. PC [BUG] The Game Keeps Freezing While my Character is Watering Crops

    Hello, I downloaded this game from Steam about three or four days ago. I love it and everything was going great, however, a couple of days into the game it keeps freezing, and I cannot make it through one day without it freezing while watering my crops. I have tried restarting my computer, and...
  6. caitlynscrypt

    PC [BUG] Can't demolish or move the mill/silos

    I have four silos and one mill. I want to rearrange the farm but whenever I try to move or demolish them, nothing happens. I've tried in both Robin's house and the Wizard's house. I'm on Windows 10 using Steam, and pretty sure it's on 1.4.5. It's been like this for about a year (out of game), I...
  7. Ziul

    Android [BUG] Mobile Cutscene Bugs

    I play stardew valley mobile, im in the newer version of the game, ALL cutscenes are frozen when they start, just with music and animations, but the character is stopped and nobody really moves, the only thing that i can do is skip it or reset my day to fix it. I said that in discord server if...
  8. PC [Bug] Ice Fishing festival uses a temporary rod baited with... Beach Warp Totems??

    Hello! I was investigating a bug report where someone had 99 beach warp totems suddenly appear in their inventory without explanation. I have not reproduced it myself, but I am almost certain that it is connected to this strange bit of the game code inEvent::setUpPlayerControlSequence for the...
  9. PC [BUG] Character speech out of season.

    I have Elliot as my husband, and I noticed that one of his quotes where he hopes a butterfly will land on him occurs even during the Winter. I just thought that maybe it was missed when determining the circumstances for certain dialogue choices and wanted to bring attention to it since there...
  10. Android [BUG] Items disappearing from inventory

    So far I've lost a stack of 15 roots platters and a stack of 7 life elixirs. I don't know exactly when they were lost because I haven't needed them for a few play sessions but I haven't put them in a chest and I haven't died in the mines since they've been in my inventory and I haven't sold...
  11. Switch [BUG] Game freezes randomly in online multiplayer mode

    The game will freeze randomly for around 7 seconds when in online multiplayer. It happens at every area. The game is downloaded to my SD card, and I only play with 1 friend. My farm is relatively simple and doesn’t have too much going on. This has been happening for around 7 months. It happens...
  12. PC Buggy shared game

    So you know how on Steam you can share your games with friends although only one person can play at a time, right? Well, me and my dad share stardew, and whenever we share Stardew Valley with a new person, my profile resets to year one, summer the first. I do not use mods.
  13. CherryLeafy101

    Solved Possible Problem with Increased Artifact Spot Mod?

    EDIT: It was my mistake, not the mod. Despite checking my collections tab and the museum collection, I somehow missed that I hadn't donated a Prismatic Shard. Once I found and donated one everything worked as normal. I'm not sure if the mod I used broke my game or the game bugged out on its...
  14. PC [BUG] Game crashes erratically and inventory displaces items when cycling through

    Hi there, my brother and I recently started playing Stardew Valley v1.4.5 together in multiplayer mode. We purchased the game on GOG, and are running the game directly without GOG galaxy, and I am using a PC with Win10 64-bit to host the game. We've clocked a little over 100 hours of game play...
  15. fajrulfalah93

    Android [BUG] Artifacts and Mineral Inventory Tab Error

    I found a bug in my Android game, in the inventory artifact section, where the status of artifacts that have been obtained remains invisible ('???'). There are items in Fairy Jewelry, Ancient Swords, Nautilus Fossils, and Amphibian Fossils. In contrast, in the mineral inventory section, mineral...
  16. iOS [BUG] Game Crashes on launching

    When I enter the game, the game kicks me out before I come to the main screen
  17. husnulhamidiah

    Android [BUG] Day 29+ On Android

    My game is on day 29+ (currently on 32). I think this is a bug. Here's what I was doing before : Fall 28 — I was in bed with going to sleep dialog (haven't click anything yet) I close the app and clear from recent app Open Stardew Valley and resume Click Yes on sleep dialog Wake up on Day 29...
  18. PC [BUG] Xbox controller not working on Mac

    Hey so I’ve gotten it to work in the past but not the Xbox controller will not connect to Stardew. I have the extension thing downloaded and in that window I can see it is connected to the computer but when I open Stardew it does not control anything. Any tips?
  19. Android [BUG] 2 bugs in the intro.

    There's two bugs that is harmful and can be deadly to epileptic people. One of the bugs is that when the bus scene in the intro if you skip then it flashes faster than a EEG test for epileptic people. The other one is when you wait out the intro and then the skip button flashes. It only happens...
  20. Switch [BUG] Bridge at beach needs to be repaired a 2nd time

    I have spent 70+ hours on the game and I repaired the bridge at the beach within my first 10 hours. I took a break from the game for about a month or two, and I came back to see the bridge needs 300 wood to be repaired again. There seems to be no problems with my save file other than this one thing.