
  1. Solved [BUG] Group 10 Heart Bug

    I'm on version 1.5.1 (single player English), and the negative/cold shoulder version of the group 10 heart event plays every time I enter Haley and Emily's house, even though I have a rabbit's foot in my inventory and I have triggered the event before (I'm playing on an old save). Has anyone...
  2. PC [BUG] [1.5.0 Hotfixed AND 1.5.1] Neptune's Glaive not dropable / removable from inventory

    OS: Windows 10 2004 German Version: Both 1.5.0 Hotfixed and 1.5.1 GOG, German Simple as it is, fished a Neptune's Glaive which I can't throw away or move it to the trash bin. Yet I'm able to drop it to a chest. Didn't try to sell it. Other weapons work fine. It didn't happen in any savegame I...
  3. PC [BUG] Maru and Penny community center bench

    Version 1.5.1 (1.3.7664.5241) On Summer Monday 8 in the afternoon both Penny and Maru (wife) are sitting on the community center bench, which results in z-fighting between the sprites. According to Stardew Valley wiki their schedules do indeed overlap: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Penny (see...
  4. PC [BUG] 1.5.4 Quest 'The Pirate's Wife' remains broken when broken before 1.5.1

    Game version: 1.5.4 Game type: co-op Amount of players: 2 active for this bug, three total (all players joined pre 1.5). Problem description Using two or more memento's (pre 1.5.1) resulted in only one locket and only 1 completed 'The Pirate's Wife' quest. Since 1.5 players which got the...
  5. Grub

    PC [BUG] game breaking local coop issue, can not get through level up screen

    I am a host of a game for local coop, the other player lveled up without issue, i got stuck on level up screen, i play on the mouse and keyboard. Cannot play the game anymore, please how can i fix it, it is not totally freezed because the stars around the level up twinkle.
  6. PC [BUG] There are still bugs in the game. (1.5.1)

    (Korean ver. /1.5.1/ PC) (1) When I enter the community center, Junimo stone plate to create a bug. The hotfixes on the 21st were of no use. (2) I still can't see the new Quest board under Mayor Lewis's mansion. Please let me play the game... :(
  7. Odin

    1.5.1 bug fix patch out now! Please make sure your game is updated before reporting issues!

    Update: 1.5.2 is now out Full changelog: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Version_History#1.5.1 Hi everyone! 1.5.1 has released with a bunch of bug fixes, so make sure you update your game if you're experiencing issues. You can check which version you're on by pressing the ? button in the bottom...