1.6 Update What happened in your game today?


20 levels in on the mine, it was a bad luck day, and I had a final day "bring me an iron bar" quest. Decided to just buy the ore from Clint which is how I discovered that that counts for Clint's "gather me 10 iron ore" quest. Little sus there, Clint! But I'll take 2/3rds of a prize ticket when that early fruit tree was next on the rewards, sure.
20 levels in on the mine, it was a bad luck day, and I had a final day "bring me an iron bar" quest. Decided to just buy the ore from Clint which is how I discovered that that counts for Clint's "gather me 10 iron ore" quest. Little sus there, Clint! But I'll take 2/3rds of a prize ticket when that early fruit tree was next on the rewards, sure.
Gotta have those Prize Tickets! Prize tickets were an excellent addition by CA in version 1.6+! In my previous save, I totally ignored Daily Quests and focused mainly on Special Orders and Qi Challenges. I always imagine what extremes I'd be willing to go to to get those Prize Tix. As I have a much better idea about everyone's schedules, particularly those of the characters in Ridgeside Village, I *may* even be willing to attempt that "Talk to Everyone" Quest again.

Also, Robin will accept materials bought from her own shop if you are working on the Special Order called "Robin's Resource Rush" :grin:
Also, Robin will accept materials bought from her own shop if you are working on the Special Order called "Robin's Resource Rush" :grin:
That is diabolically brilliant. Not only does she make a profit from selling you all that wood, but then you have 1000+ wood, so you figure you might as well build that shed or get that home upgrade. Then she alao makes money from that job. Well played, Robin.


Today on my new vanilla farm year 1 fall 28 - I was in the secret woods chopping hardwood stumps when I killed two green slimes, then a third slime came at me but this was a prismatic slime changing colors as it attacked me. I killed it with my galaxy sword but I did not get a prismatic jelly in the loot drop, although I did get some gold added to my total. How much was added I do not know because it happened too fast and I was not expecting it. Has this happened to anyone else ???? Maybe the wiki needs an update ????
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Today on my new vanilla farm year 1 fall 28 - I was in the secret woods chopping hardwood stumps when I killed two green slimes, then a third slime came at me but this was a prismatic slime changing colors as it attacked me. I killed it with my galaxy sword but I did not get a prismatic jelly in the loot drop, although I did get some gold added to my total. How much was added I do not know because it happened too fast and I was not expecting it. Has this happened to anyone else ???? Maybe the wiki needs an update ????
are you playing 1.6? That added yellow slimes that drop money.
did you have the prismatic slime quest active?
I’ve never seen a prismatic slime outside the mines, I would probably post in the bug report thread because it might be unintentional…
Well, late last night, I had been carefully planting all my Winter Wild Seeds on my farm along with Deluxe Speed-Gro under every one. I had finished planting over 700 of them, and then I decided to finish the rest of the day off by Fishing for the 4 Squid that Demetrius asked me for in a Quest (gotta get those Golden.. err.. Prize Tickets). While I had been planting, I had been listening to a YouTube video in another window on my PC (Windows 10). The video had ended so I had left-clicked over to that YouTube window to select a new video to listen to. Having started that new video, I was anxious to get back to my Squid Fishing, so I clicked back to my Stardew Valley window in such a frenzy that I had accidentally clicked on both mouse buttons at the SDV window. It turns out that I had hit the right-side mouse button a tad sooner than I had hit my left mouse button and ended up inadvertently choosing to "Close Window" instead of switching back to Stardew Valley :cry::cry::cry: It took me more than an hour to collect my thoughts and bring myself to replay the day (and plant those seeds + fertilizer) all over again.

Two nights ago:
Living Hat.jpg

It seems as if I got this from defeating a Wilderness Golem in the Highlands from Stardew Expanded :cool:


I had a FABULOUS day today:
  • Got the gold scythe
  • Got the Galaxy Sword
  • Opened the Sewers
  • Finished the Community Center
  • Opened Ginger Island
  • Got 10 walnuts in
I played 2nd year Summer 13th to 25th today and whoo boy was I busy. I'm kind of looking forward to Winter so I can quit messing with crops for a bit and reduce some of the animal load.

The fun part is I was *on my way to Robin* to upgrade my house the 2nd time when I saw Willy's letter. If I'd have got that one day later, I'd have spent my hardwood on that upgrade and had to wait. Thank goodness for Mahogany trees.
  • A full in-game year after repairing Willy's boat on my Hades-themed farm, I finally went to Ginger Island. I only have the stingray left for Master Angler and I want to replace my sturgeon pond with stingrays, so I have to get working on that.
  • I also started Robin working on my slime hutch. For some reason I thought I needed way more irridium bars.
  • I actually put a Junimo Hut where the Junimo can harvest crops on this farm! I'm enjoying getting to see them for a change. ^_^
  • I expanded Thanatos' cabin, which is mostly a workshop, to have a dining room that I'm working on filling with preserve jars for all the roe I'm harvesting (the river Styx is made of seven lava eel ponds and then I have five more ponds on top of that, four of which have animal crackers).
  • At the start of Winter, I built and upgraded a coop and bought a duck egg from the traveling merchant. I've now hatched five ducks with a sixth in the incubator. All five have animal crackers. The witch has been by twice this week (in-game) to gift me a void egg and my void salmon pond gave me a couple as well. I think I'm going to stick to ducks though (I did not get a single animal related bundle in the cc this save).
  • I harvested the strawberries and fruit trees in my greenhouse on the second day of Spring, but hadn't checked the fruit trees the last day of Winter, so I got two silver star fruits and one standard fruit from my Orange and apple trees.
    Screenshot from 2024-07-28 19-24-19.png
  • I completed the prismatic slime quest by the skin of my teeth (last day, killed it at nearly half past midnight) and while hunting it, came across a dungeon floor where I got a cursed mannequin from a flying skull drop. It already moved up one tile.
    Screenshot from 2024-07-28 18-10-06.png
    On a semi-related note, is there any (non-modded) way to get the laurel wreath crown besides lucking out with Emily's fair booth?


are you playing 1.6? That added yellow slimes that drop money.
did you have the prismatic slime quest active?
I’ve never seen a prismatic slime outside the mines, I would probably post in the bug report thread because it might be unintentional…
Yes I am playing 1.6 and it could be possible it was a yellow slime that was glitching and seemed like it was prismatic but it happened so quick I did not get good look. So that could explain what happened
In my save where I was trying to set a personal best for getting to the bottom of the caves, I got there on Summer 26. Have restarted with the sole ambition of getting there in spring. Farm activity will be minimal. So far I am averaging five levels a day, which isn't quite good enough given that it would take me 24 days to reach bottom and I didn't get started until Spring 5. I did help myself out by focusing on hitting rocks around the farm, meaning I started with increased mining skill.
As mentioned yesterday I started a new save where my ONLY OBJECT is to set a personal best for hitting the bottom of the mines. SPRING TWENTY ONE! Did 50 levels a week, then on Spring 21 got absurdly lucky and kept rolling ladder after ladder for a 15 level blitz. Hardest part was the 50s-90s, when I was struggling for a good sword. No insect head or bone sword drops, and I was spending all of my gem and fishing money on salads. Used cherry bombs and some regular bombs as I had resources. to get through that bit. Did a little farming but not much at all, and what I grew I ate.

Preetty sure a dino egg dropped on level 119 but when I tried to pick it up I hit the ladder instead.

Harvey: Walk steady, walk fast. But steady. Don't panic. They can sense fear. No eye contact. Steady walk, steady walk RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN

The townspeople must have been so weirded out by my character. I did NOTHING but the caves, except for some fishing in the mornings. The only people I ever interacted with were Linus (i'd usually give him useless forage like daffodils), Clint (to crack geodes and sell gems), and to a much smaller extent, Willy. I visited Pierre's shop twice, both time to buy potato seeds.

...so many sprites....
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so for the first ever I got not one but two dwarf gadgets and a star shard and to make it even better i got a strange doll right before going to Clint’s! it was kind of insane for me since i never get that lucky with geodes or the weird artifact sprigs. and i finally got a fish pond although i don’t know what to put in it lol
I finally made the time to check out Lewis's basement and get another pair of lucky shorts.

I may not have been surprised by the flying shorts, but what I must have forgotten and was surprised about is that the shorts are invincible and can't even be swatted away. I took a few hits, but made it out alive.
View attachment 24237
so for the first ever I got not one but two dwarf gadgets and a star shard and to make it even better i got a strange doll right before going to Clint’s! it was kind of insane for me since i never get that lucky with geodes or the weird artifact sprigs. and i finally got a fish pond although i don’t know what to put in it lol
For the pond, start with a sturgeon to prepare for the missing bundle.