Hello and sorry (sorry if I sound mildly agitated, just had gamebreaking bugs persist nonstop),
I'm completely new and today started stardew valley but after making my character I get the intro, go to 'rest' and black screen??
I close and repeat , and repeat, and repeat black screen without fail and game refusing to boot.
In frustration I type random stuff as farm name for my farm and it worked.
The culprit: naming my farm "België" (= Belgium in english, my country) is apparently locking my game into a black screen that also deletes any save, I'm surprised this is nowhere mentioned so I wonder if country names as farms is soft locking the game?
I'm completely new and today started stardew valley but after making my character I get the intro, go to 'rest' and black screen??
I close and repeat , and repeat, and repeat black screen without fail and game refusing to boot.
In frustration I type random stuff as farm name for my farm and it worked.
The culprit: naming my farm "België" (= Belgium in english, my country) is apparently locking my game into a black screen that also deletes any save, I'm surprised this is nowhere mentioned so I wonder if country names as farms is soft locking the game?