1st prismatic shard, now what?

When I was new, the normal mine was intimidating. So, without a good weapon, just try to go down 5 floors a day. Just bring some food.
If you have a good weapon, you can go faster, but there is no rush.

I will check the mailbox tomorrow for that prismatic shard. 🧐


I’m not close to completing the museum I haven’t spent a whole lot of time in the mines. I’ve focused more on foraging and farming. I think I’ll display it on my table if I can figure out how. I need that magnifying glass so I can read the dwarf scrolls? How do I obtain the mermaid pendant?
To display it on a table, just select it in your inventory and interact with the table (like giving a gift).

You don't need the magnifying glass to read dwarf scrolls. When you donate all dwarf scrolls to the museum, you get a reward that enables you to speak dwarfish. The magnifying glass let's you find and read secret notes.

For the mermaid pendant, look around at the beach on a rainy day.
I found a second prismatic shard yesterday. What would be best to do w/it now. I bought the hammer from the guild. Do I really need the dagger?
How do I find the mermaid pendant? I’ll try to get some game time tonight and shake that bush lol. I thought I was just SOL till winter again
I soooo appreciate you all helping me. I was one of those kids that wasn’t allowed video games. So now as an adult I must learn as I go. I save all the first gems I get then make copies in my crystalarium (sp) then give one to Gunther. If I had that purple mushroom I’d open that part of the building. Should I just knock my way to 40 and not worry about clearing a bunch of stuff?
Have a wonderful day!!
You don't need the dagger, I consider the hammer to be the best of the three weapons because it has the highest damage and knockback (and also because of a well known 'glitch' wherein it can hit multiple times if you right-click to perform its secondary attack then spam left-click to swing multiple times in succession). Either donate it to gunther or save it.

Mermaid pendant is available from someone you probably haven't met yet, and only becomes available once you have at least one eligible candidate up to 10 hearts. Check out the beach during a rainy day. If you haven't fixed the bridge to the tidal pools, that might be a good idea as well.

As far as diving the mines, I've written up a guide with tips and tricks for slowly but steadily descending the mines. Granted, that guide is written with doing it in your very first spring, but many of the tips will still be useful and relevant to you as you dive. The key is slow but steady. The elevator locks your progress every five levels. So if you can just dive five levels per day, over a couple of weeks you can make it down pretty deep.


Local Legend
Save your first one for a galaxy sword once you get to the desert, or just use the catalouge and get wallpaper 75 i think and bring it there. After that donate one to the museum then I'd stockpile them for magic rock candy that can be gotten from the desert trader for three prizzies.
Wall papers no longer work for anything, neither do unplaced items except for stairs in the pants slot which was left in.


When I was new, the normal mine was intimidating. So, without a good weapon, just try to go down 5 floors a day. Just bring some food.
If you have a good weapon, you can go faster, but there is no rush.

I will check the mailbox tomorrow for that prismatic shard. 🧐
lol! Thank you for helping me ❤


I found dude w/the magnifying glass but it’s not showing up in my backpack.
I got the mermaid pendant and married Elliot. I thought once you got married they helped out on the farm. Elliot hasn’t done anything that I can see. Maybe he lazy, only worried about writing 🤣

Lew Zealand

I found dude w/the magnifying glass but it’s not showing up in my backpack.
I got the mermaid pendant and married Elliot. I thought once you got married they helped out on the farm. Elliot hasn’t done anything that I can see. Maybe he lazy, only worried about writing 🤣
Congrats on the Pendant and hubby! Did you remember to wear something good to your Wedding or did it catch you that morning (like everyone else) wearing regular Farm clothes or worse?

They do help out on the farm a little bit but only if you're not already watering with Sprinklers and have Hay Silos and fully upgraded Barn/Coop. The funny thing is that they will still give you the dialog for that in the morning out on the front porch, saying they watered the crops and fed the animals. This is when you give your spouse a hug and say yes dear, that was very thoughtful of you, and leave them to their thoughts while heading out to do the real Farm work.

With an eyeroll. Not every time of course, only on special occasions like when it's raining already....

Hill Myna

I found dude w/the magnifying glass but it’s not showing up in my backpack.
Hello Jboo, welcome to the Forums! Glad to hear that your enjoying SDV!

The Magnifying Glass isn't a regular item, instead of taking up space in your inventory it goes directly to your wallet. To see the contents of your wallet, head over to the Skills tab of your Inventory, you should find it there.

Hope this helps!


Do I need to select the magnifying glass in order to use it? I’ve found 2 secret notes. I love SDV lol. My best friend got me started playing it— no regrets lol.

Hello Jboo, welcome to the Forums! Glad to hear that your enjoying SDV!

The Magnifying Glass isn't a regular item, instead of taking up space in your inventory it goes directly to your wallet. To see the contents of your wallet, head over to the Skills tab of your Inventory, you should find it there.

Hope this helps!


I have 1 purple sprinkler. I focused on building up my barns and house first then proceeded to Elliot. I didn’t get that dialogue, maybe that’s why? I didn’t get to change clothes. Do clothes make a difference?
I’m playing on a iPad. Is there a iOS thread here?

QUOTE="Lew Zealand, post: 83375, member: 2414"]
Congrats on the Pendant and hubby! Did you remember to wear something good to your Wedding or did it catch you that morning (like everyone else) wearing regular Farm clothes or worse?

They do help out on the farm a little bit but only if you're not already watering with Sprinklers and have Hay Silos and fully upgraded Barn/Coop. The funny thing is that they will still give you the dialog for that in the morning out on the front porch, saying they watered the crops and fed the animals. This is when you give your spouse a hug and say yes dear, that was very thoughtful of you, and leave them to their thoughts while heading out to do the real Farm work.

With an eyeroll. Not every time of course, only on special occasions like when it's raining already....

Lew Zealand

Do I need to select the magnifying glass in order to use it? I’ve found 2 secret notes. I love SDV lol. My best friend got me started playing it— no regrets lol.
No, once you have the Magnifying Glass, you can find the Notes as that's the mechanic that it unlocks. You just "use" the Notes to read them.


How/where do I find the elevator in the mine?

I’m terrible at fishing on the iPad. It’s like it doesn’t pick up my taps. Is there anything I can adjust to help me?
I bought a fishing hook and a bobber. I have the fiberglass pole now but I don’t understand how to use the hook or bait.

Lew Zealand

I have 1 purple sprinkler. I focused on building up my barns and house first then proceeded to Elliot. I didn’t get that dialogue, maybe that’s why? I didn’t get to change clothes. Do clothes make a difference?
I’m playing on a iPad. Is there a iOS thread here?

Congrats on the Pendant and hubby! Did you remember to wear something good to your Wedding or did it catch you that morning (like everyone else) wearing regular Farm clothes or worse?

They do help out on the farm a little bit but only if you're not already watering with Sprinklers and have Hay Silos and fully upgraded Barn/Coop. The funny thing is that they will still give you the dialog for that in the morning out on the front porch, saying they watered the crops and fed the animals. This is when you give your spouse a hug and say yes dear, that was very thoughtful of you, and leave them to their thoughts while heading out to do the real Farm work.

With an eyeroll. Not every time of course, only on special occasions like when it's raining already....
Clothes are purely cosmetic (except for Boots/Shoes, those give you good Protection buffs for Combat). But later in game I play for the Tailoring aspect just because it's fun, there will be lots of time for that in your gameplay future.

The Hubby (or Wife) dialog is random, he may just not have said it yet. But when you don't see him in the Farmhouse in the morning and find him out on the porch, there is a good likelihood you'll get the dialog. Again, not every time.

There's no iOS specific thread as most of the game is the same for iOS and other platforms except that iOS and Android do not have the v1.5 update yet. Your questions apply to all platforms, no need to be too narrow.
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