Standard Farm Mountains rose and fell. The deed is done.

Lew Zealand

Previously on "I regret choosing this Farm layout:"

We found our Farmer Bobbi deciding that the Hilltop Farm exists only to annoy. Naturally she then contracted with a cut rate Farmland reformulation service which resulted in a hideous, mangled, unlivable hybrid Farm which so offended the sensibilities of her wife Abigail that abnormal amounts of effort were expended in returning it to its merely obnoxious previous appearance.

The weathered stones looming over the bare circle of loamy soil cast their lengthening late afternoon shadows.
The ancient runes have been deciphered and arranged.
The cast off skins of long dead snakes line the edges of the clearing.
The low heaving of ocean waves can be faintly heard from the horizons.
Unstable weather threatens to overcome the acolytes.
The blood of many paper cuts has been shed in preparation.
100dB of Lady Gaga plays in the headphones.
CTRL-C, CTRL-V, the duplication ritual is successful.
Bobbi_234588885 is opened in the venerated Notepad.
CTRL-F and whichfarm is chanted in reverent voices and typed.
Using faded magics known only to the ancients, 0 is transmuted into 3.
CTRL-S, the fiery instability is etched into the ancient inselberg, extending to the very soul of the planet.
All in attendance are hushed.
Previous incantations have failed, banishing the affected to a state of Purgatory.
Using techniques perfected in the Valley of the Kings, the oldest save is carefully opened.
The front door creaks open, Abigail looking pensively over Bobbi's shoulder.......

Functional but offensive. And not broken! However the die has been cast and after many seasons of finding other rather funner things to do, the pressures of being married to Abigail have mounted and...

It is time. The Farm was harvested and unnecessary adornment (as pitifully small as it was) was removed:

Unusually, Abigail spends almost every morning during the preparations outside, feeding the Animals and perhaps taking time to say goodbye to the Farm that initially welcomed her, but ultimately ended up being an unwelcome sight.
A true professional was brought in to survey the lands and offer advice on how to arrange the buildings.
"Uhm, just stick them all over here. Maybe some over there." "I don't care if that looks ugly, if you put everything there, half of it will end up feeding the Fish!" "...hey, so how're you gonna handle the geology changes here?"
"What? Fine, be that way don't tell me. I remember what happened last time, you just give me a warning to be in the basement when it happens!"

After finally following Robin's advice, the nascent Farm ended up thusly:


Let's do it right this time.

Late at night with the kids (!) already in bed, Abigail and Bobbi huddle around the Spirit Board, David Jr. looking on it anticipation, sensing the tension. The candles, having burned all day and well into the evening, are guttering at the very ends of their overlong wicks, casting fluttering shadows upon the Monster Fireplace and Grave Markers. Sitting down opposite each other, Abby glances up and flicks Bobbi's hat off her head with an impish smile. Both place their hands on the smooth stone, hands intertwined, perhaps a bit sweaty and clammier than the very first time they touched. Slowly they move and a humming envelops the house, voices emanating faintly at first but growing stronger. Bobbi hears "control" and glances at Abby, not knowing what it's all about, but they both chant it anyway. Go with the flow! As their hands move about the board, random numbers flash in and out of the corners of their eyes but they barely acknowledge them with the low, flickering candlelight distracting their consciousness. Eyes now barely open, they feel the building energy, and a faint, distant rumbling is first heard... then felt. Now grasping each other's hands in earnest, the rumbling reaches a crescendo, knocking both of them out, flat on their backs on opposite sides of what's left of the board.

The following morning they awake, rubbing their heads and peer out the windows:


It is done. A new life on a new Farm.

Lew Zealand

holy f#k I felt that! And do you have plans for the new farm?
No plans just yet. Honestly it was such a trauma deciding to change the Farm Type after working around it for almost 3 full years (in-game). And then half of everything was inaccessible in the drink, utterly bungled. And when I tried to revert the save, nothing happened. It just stayed messed up and Abigail thus stayed inaccessible. For about 2 years I think. Recently I tried the fix again and it worked, not sure what happened, and then later the same day I found my pre-messed backup. Raining, pouring, that whole thing.

I'm just so happy it worked out that I don't even know what I want to do! However I do believe I will plant a giant amount of Grass Starter on Winter 28 to have a huge Grass patch. Then to be carved into...?


No plans just yet. Honestly it was such a trauma deciding to change the Farm Type after working around it for almost 3 full years (in-game). And then half of everything was inaccessible in the drink, utterly bungled. And when I tried to revert the save, nothing happened. It just stayed messed up and Abigail thus stayed inaccessible. For about 2 years I think. Recently I tried the fix again and it worked, not sure what happened, and then later the same day I found my pre-messed backup. Raining, pouring, that whole thing.

I'm just so happy it worked out that I don't even know what I want to do! However I do believe I will plant a giant amount of Grass Starter on Winter 28 to have a huge Grass patch. Then to be carved into...?
A giant slime?????:slime: P.S. As the self appointed priestess of cult Abigail currently (seeing as everyone else have gone onto less purple things) I must say I am exceedingly and monstrously appreciating that this is Abby-centric. Would you consider doing a complete :slime:slime:slime: farm? All slime jacks, :slime:slime huts, slime incubators outside everywhere:slime::slime::slime::slime::slime:? I've been attempting this but it's not going well with my layout and I CAN'T sell my animals to make more room I don't like the way they disappear. or can I? ugh. Anyway the layout of your new farm and the Abbiness would fit well into a Slime Time Type farm. If that's just too much work I totally get it. :slime:

Lew Zealand

A giant slime?????:slime: P.S. As the self appointed priestess of cult Abigail currently (seeing as everyone else have gone onto less purple things) I must say I am exceedingly and monstrously appreciating that this is Abby-centric. Would you consider doing a complete :slime:slime:slime: farm? All slime jacks, :slime:slime huts, slime incubators outside everywhere:slime::slime::slime::slime::slime:? I've been attempting this but it's not going well with my layout and I CAN'T sell my animals to make more room I don't like the way they disappear. or can I? ugh. Anyway the layout of your new farm and the Abbiness would fit well into a Slime Time Type farm. If that's just too much work I totally get it. :slime:
Hey this is a super cool idea and I'm totally going for it! Especially as I'm a very recent convert to the Sensible Society of Savvy Slime Secernment, I'd like the option to expand the range of Slime involvement on the Farm. Similar to your predicament, I did have to sell 2 of my Dinosaurs as my Coop had 11 plus a Chicken, so no option for Wool/Cloth at all! Apparently someone depilated my reptiles when I wasn't looking. And meaning this was a v1.3 save, pre-Tailoring. I'm sure the Dinos are in very loving homes and totally not Natural History Museums... 2 Baby Bunnies in there now and I've encouraged them to keep their Feet and just dispense with the Wool, thank you!

Lew Zealand

"Sooo... Bobbi. I was thinking-- oh look you made a face, I never thought that would happen."

"Now that we have all this giant space on our farm I thought we could make it into a training camp. For the kids! Naturally we'd need to test everything out ourselves beforehand... lots and lots of testing to make sure it's perfect for them! Needs to be a combat zone so they're prepared for the Gotoros and everyone else out there."
"So I have some ideas. Seeing as we put in so much time on that old acrophobia farm-- yes, 'we!' You were the fool who wanted to plant a whole field of wheat because that's what 'farming' means to a city slicker like you. Yeah, I said 'city slicker,' with your Fedora like you're some kind of stunted archaeologist. All you've got of that is the facial hair, the one on your chin you keep forgetting to pluck. OK come at me, let's see what ya got!"

Some getting ensues. Abigail does not lose and reminds Bobbi who wears the Straw Hat in this house for 3 years running.
"OK now that's settled and you're all tired, sweaty and cute, back to my ideas. Now that our farm made a lot of money thanks to me suggesting to add Starfruit to the greenhouse, Ms. Monoculture, and I sweetly suggested Red Cabbage and Pumpkins, and even allowed you to pickle some of them [shudder]... we have g to get creative with."
"Yes the royal 'we', I know you're not creative, that's why I married you to save you from making everything square and maybe cutting yourself on an edge. And you know I kid because I love. To wrestle. Now that that's out of the way, I think you'll like this idea because it has a lot of those square, dangerous edges!"

"We need slimes on the farm."
"No, that's just a coincidence! Slime Rancher is a totally different video game than what I'm imagining! We're more... 'farming' them than ranching them, you see. Look, Robin sells slime hutches, so really we'll be slime hutching... That is so a word, I looked it up! On the internet. Look, someone used it so it's real now, stop arguing."
"Anyhow, here are my plans with a nice slime design and all the things that make slimes happy... Yes I do know, smarty! Slimejack ponds and slime egg presses and grave markers and stone cairns to remind them of their cavern homes, and some shady trees to hide under if they wander too far away and...

"Yes of course they'll get to go outside, what would be the point of designing the world's coolest training course if they're all cooped up all day? Are you even listening to me? Yes? Great, Let's start!"

So much planning ensued and Robin was contracted for about 2 straight seasons of work, which Farmer Bobbi noted left her some time to do a few side projects like grinding for some stone and fiber...

Occasionally Robin snuck away at night to attend to one of Bobbi's projects, unbeknownst to Abigail.

With inevitable consequences the next day when a certain someone was a trifle impatient to get to the beach...

But eventually, it begins on the inside...
and it starts.PNG

And the outside.
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Lew Zealand

Cute family pic. Can you name the hat racks?
Um. So, then.

I take the game a little more seriously early on. So the Horse and Cat usually get name-type things. They're namey. Name-esque. Well, one of them is. In this save I was extraordinarily unoriginal (see: Abby's comments above) and changed one letter from the default suggested ones.

But then there's the kids. They have function. IRL, I mean. In the game, well as you say, they... can make tracking down a Hat a fast-moving inconvenience. So my kids got super really great names, as this is my second playthough.

Tax Break



That one there's Tax Break. You can see how proud Abby is of her. We're even more proud of them once a year when Lewis comes by to visit and settle that little g detail.


I love the name randomizer. My cat and/or dog usually get the first thing suggested. Wumbus for the dog Miso for the cat. Same with the horse unless I really don't like it then I'll roll the die until I do. Like Nutley. Barn animals get random names unless I'm on some sort of weird kick like when one got named Lil Abby and one got named Lil Goon. Then there is spicy and amethyst. I may need to get some moving hat racks.

Lew Zealand

Hold up... all the bushy stuff carried over to the Standard map? That makes things more complicated for that map than it usually is.
Yes, this makes it a bit of an annoyance to plan as SDV Planner doesn't have these bushes in it of course. And I can't destroy them as you can on some maps. So I'll work around it as it's still light years better than the twisted automobile wreck of a map that Hilltop is.

The ones at the far upper left, bottom center, and mid right where the Sprinklers are I could do without. The rest are actually very close to or exactly where I wanted some map delineation so they will just become part of the design.