By far the easiest skull cavern healing food is Salad bought directly from Gus in unlimited quantities.
In terms of financial efficiency, Salad outperforms almost everything anyway, certainly including cheese once you have Artisan. It's 4.4g/HP for salad, 5.75g/HP for regular cheese, 4.78g/HP for gold cheese and an effective 11.67g/HP for any hops due to the value of pale ale
Salad requires no effort other than a one off trip to Gus to buy unlimited quantities.
Salad has zero infrastructure costs, whereas building and populating a barn full of cows costs 61,000g, a silo, a heap of wood and stone, and all the ingredients for a dozen cheese presses. On top of that, there's either the daily time loss of going to the barn each day to chase and milk cows, or an additional 25,000g cost of an auto-collector.
Waiting to eat hops has an 11 day lead time, a daily maintenance burden due to harvesting every day, and a lost opportunity cost of 420g due to not brewing pale ale for every one eaten. Granted you're not processing everything immediately, but even if you only get as little as 30 kegs up and running by the time of your first hops harvest, your daily income from pale ale will be in excess of 6,000g per day, enough to buy almost 30 Salads every day, which is more than enough for skull runs, so there's no reason to eat hops that could be processed later when you can just buy salad with all that money you'll be raking in. And if you're not processing hops at all, there's no point in even growing them when you'd be better off spamming blueberries.