The 1.5.5 & 1.5.6 updates are now out for Windows/Mac/Linux!


Staff member
So... there was a mention of possible additional content in 1.5.6, but I don't see anything about that in the changelog. Are there plans for additional content, or was that just a speculative thing?
This is only a guess on my part, but I assume that those plans are just for a future 1.5.x update, so it could be 1.5.7 if there isn't another bug fix patch before then.
Hello 1.5.5 & 1.5.6 32-bit is end that why all is gone 32-bit system sorry I cannot play this game accept for older one thanks
For this game and that why I still fixing the
64-bit to 32-bit 1year - 2year I still happy
Because the rating of this game are growing

0. 0.


Looks like there are fairly big changes coming in the 1.6 update, at least for mods and their capability. This kinda jumped out at me: the ability to build anywhere. Perhaps that will only apply to mods and not the core game, but pretty cool nonetheless.
Buildings and animals are no longer hardcoded to the farm location. You can allow building construction for any location using the new CanBuildHere and related map properties. The game will adjust accordingly (e.g. Robin will let you choose where to construct the building).
If this applies to the vanilla game as well, it should mean we can build sheds and whatnot on Ginger Island 😲