Some tools need a little love

There are some tools that you really should be able to upgrade just to complete your tool bar aesthetic.

1.Scythes let us upgrade this to iridium quality. Improve base stats and allow for prismatic forge upgrades like reach

2. Shears-let the upgrades allow for cleaner(better rating up to iridium) wool more reliably.

3. Milk pail- upgrades let you collect more milk with a 50% chance at iridium level

4. Pan. Just increase the productivity. Reach would be nifty for when the sparkles spawn out of normal range.

Not really a tool but autopetter and feeders should be able to be upgraded to get dual function. Bonus points if it looks like a Roomba with the upgrade.
Upgrading the Scythe sound like a good idea, since it already does not cost energy it would be a bit of a challenge though. What if it were more efficient at cutting grass? It seems that to clear 1 area it is 2-3 swings and if you spend money and copper on it you'll want something a little better than a nice finish on the tool.
As far as the Shears and Milk pail goes, what if the animals like a better quality tool???? More or less this should pair pretty well with your ideas. I don't have an opinion about the pan though :hmph:. Tool bar aesthetics make sense though, so maybe these tools could cost less in gold and resources to upgrade?


Local Legend
Re: Scythes
I would have to say you could only upgrade the golden scythe... with upgrading it giving a slightly larger reach/radius and higher chance of hay from each grass cut. Normal scythe is 50%, gold is 75%... I'd say maybe back gold back to 70% and make iridium have a 90% chance of hay. Then you could get it enchanted at the Forge, with reaching for a larger reach/radius again, swift or generous (raising the chance of hay to 100%).

Re: Shears
Going Shepherd already raises the quality of goods from barn animals already. Shepherd also makes it so that your sheep produce daily instead of every other day (at sufficient friendship). What it seems like you're suggesting is having the Shepherd bonus for everyone with iridium shears, and while you may not be suggesting exactly that, I don't think that exactly that is cool. You kinda should have to pick a profession to get the full benefit of a profession, imho. With that in mind, I have suggestions for more specifics on what I think would be cool: an increase in quality (as per shepherd), and a 50% chance to get a second piece of wool of regular quality. You should have to actually use the shears too, not just have an upgraded pail and an Auto-Grabber.

Re: Milk Pail
Why not have it work like the shears do for sheep, especially if they work as I've suggested for the shears: higher quality goods as per shepherd and a 50% chance to get a second milk of the same size but regular quality? Again, you'd have to actually use the milk pail, not just have it upgraded and an Auto-Grabber.

Re: Auto-Grabber
To get an Auto-Petter without going Joja, then, all you have to go is upgrade your Auto-Grabber. That's a bit too easy if you didn't go Joja, I'm thinking. If you combine them into one item, though, so it takes up less space, maybe? I dunno, I think I'd rather the upgraded Auto-Grabber work like the upgraded tools, so perhaps the upgrade for this works as the upgraded Shears and Milk Pail? (Again, especially if as I've suggested.)

Re: Auto-Petter
With what I've suggested for the Auto-Grabber, that means we can upgrade the Auto-Petter separate from the Auto-Grabber. Perhaps upgrading this gives the same bonus to mood and friendship as regular petting, since it doesn't normally give as much as manual petting?
I don't understand who you think is implying the "Shepherd" bonus on all the tools :hmph:. But I was thinking similar the the Harvest Moon games. Where as the better quality of tool helps to increase friendship with the animals. Sorry for not spelling everything out and rude stuff :hmph:. Just because you swallowed the wiki and look everything up to get all the tech specs, does not mean everyone does. While it's definitely possible everyone's a bit misunderstanding/miscommunicating; it does not mean you have to dis the idea from the get go. Just ask first, tends to be less hassle and fewer ruffled feathers.

Now move on you two, and don't think I did not notice ya'll both messaged me within an hour of each other either 🤨
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Please let me know if I said wrong or misunderstood something...
I think all of your ideas are great ideas. You are not wrong at all...

I understand that most of us want to attempt to produce more iridium products. It's never easy to make a lot of great animal products.
- imnvs is not wrong about it. Choosing a profession affects the quality of the products, the number of products, and the money you earn.
- I agree with Zen the Ogre that it would be nice to have upgraded tools in the game to get more iridium animal products.
- Also, I agree with FlyingCatPhillips that elevating friendship does affect the quality of animal products.
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Well, if it really is a nominal affect, as the tool function is concerned, than maybe having a lower cost in gold and supplies if at all possible.
Example: Milk pail turning copper, 2 copper bars and 500g
Now I did not give this a huge amount of thought it's just a guesstimate.
Having a matching set of tools would be neat, but while items like the axe and pickaxe are going to have functional changes, I just cannot justify spending say 5 copper bars and 2,000g just to have a nice tool finish.


Local Legend
Now move on you two, and don't think I did not notice ya'll both messaged me within an hour of each other either 🤨
Was it because @Zen_the_Ogre agreed that I wasn't dissing him and was maybe discussing his idea as is intended in this forum? And are you trying to bring an argument better left in private messages into public yet again, but this time after editing your post?

Edit: And since @Zen_the_Ogre liked this post, I can be reasonably sure that I can assume he's not insulted by my adding to his idea, as you apparently are for some bizarre reason.
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Yeah, it does seem weird that some of the tools just stop getting upgraded. Probably because of the complications with potential upgrades....

not surprised that people previously talked about tool coloring... I would expect that to have turned into a mod though...