Solved [BUG] Can't plant beans on beach farm


I'm on the beach farm and I can't plant the green beans starter. I'm thinking a similar problem with the grapes and hops starter. When the starters check for soil underneath it doesn't check for sandy soil I think.


I have planted both beans and hops with zero issues on sandy soil in SV 1.5.0 and 1.5.1

The key is (as has always been with trellis crops, this is not new) you can *not* be standing on the spot where you are trying to plant. The trellis does not allow you to stand on that square. You must stand to the *side* of where you want the bean (or hops, or grapes, or any other trellis crop) to grow when you plant the seed.


I'd check what BlueTrillium said--I had no problems planting beans on the hoed sandy soil of the beach farm.


I have planted both beans and hops with zero issues on sandy soil in SV 1.5.0 and 1.5.1

The key is (as has always been with trellis crops, this is not new) you can *not* be standing on the spot where you are trying to plant. The trellis does not allow you to stand on that square. You must stand to the *side* of where you want the bean (or hops, or grapes, or any other trellis crop) to grow when you plant the seed.
Yup. That was it. Thank you!