Let me draw your farmers!


I wasn't really sure if I should post this as its own thread or stick to my art thread but considering this will involve other people's art and ocs I thought it would be best to make a new one. Anyways here we go!

I've been struggling with art block lately but I've been really wanting to draw more Stardew Valley art! So I thought it might be fun to draw other people's farmers! (only SDV farmers as I'd like to keep it in the fan art section). If you want me to draw them just have a reference! Just a screenshot of your character in-game is enough but if you have any other references (art, maybe write a bit about their personality, etc.) they would certainly help! And if you want to get a little more specific you could ask for
  • your character to be doing a specific in-game task
  • Hanging out with a particular character (Npc or another farmer) or in a particular location.
  • Participating in a particular festival or event.
  • Non-farmer, SDV requests can also be asked but I'm looking for fellow farmers at the moment and are more likely to be done.
Now a few things:
  • All requests have to fit in with the forums guidelines
  • I can't promise how detailed they'll actually be. It could be a fully colored and detailed picture or a simple doodle. It'll be whatever strikes my fancy.
  • I also can't promise that I will get to every request or what order I'll do them. I'll do my best but please know its nothing personal if it takes a while or I don't get to yours.
I think that's it! I can't wait to see your requests! And if you have any questions let me know!


This is so cute! I would love to have my farmer drawn! He is passionate about cloth and has Many Sheep. Possibly you could draw just him OR him and emily hanging out and petting a ton of sheep? I also have a mod to change emily's outfit and hair cut so either vanilla emily OR new emily. Many choices! I would love any of these incarnations <3



Tragedy strikes! :frown:
Best of luck and hope your tablet gets it together soon, you're wonderful for doing this, can't wait to see your farmer art!


Staff member
Bummer about your tablet, no worries about a delay though, there was no expectation there


Bummer about your tablet, no worries about a delay though, there was no expectation there
Thanks and yeah I guess it was it's time. But hopefully my new one will get here by Friday but who really knows with how things are currently. Might see what I can do with traditional art but I'm so used to digital that every time I try to do traditional my first instinct is to ctrl z XD


Alright! now that the stars have finally realigned to allow me to draw without some crazy stuff happening, I got the first request drawn! Here you are @Zevvo ! Your farmer and Emily (her design courtesy of daftpatience ) petting some sheep. I did not know how to draw sheep before this request, and I don't think I do even now but I think I fairly okay here XD


Will try to finish up @Odin request soon too!


Your art looks so nice!

If you're still looking for characters, I can drop a pic of my farmer soon, I just have to find one :cry:. My OC farmer has 2A/2B ( based on wavy/curl hair chart) caramel-colored hair and it is the length of her shoulders. Her eyes are hazel and she's super smiley! You can always find her growing flowers in season. In game, her closest friends were Marnie and Shane, but the fortune teller recently told her that her and Shane could have a future ~together~ :awe: Maybe that is some inspiration for a drawing? I can give any more random details about her if you'd like, but I'd be totally interested in anything you'd find happiness in drawing!


aw that art looks great!!
i want to drop my farmer in here too but i have to shuffle for a reference :sweat: i will reply sometime
Take your time! Can't wait to see yours!

Your art looks so nice!

If you're still looking for characters, I can drop a pic of my farmer soon, I just have to find one :cry:. My OC farmer has 2A/2B ( based on wavy/curl hair chart) caramel-colored hair and it is the length of her shoulders. Her eyes are hazel and she's super smiley! You can always find her growing flowers in season. In game, her closest friends were Marnie and Shane, but the fortune teller recently told her that her and Shane could have a future ~together~ :awe: Maybe that is some inspiration for a drawing? I can give any more random details about her if you'd like, but I'd be totally interested in anything you'd find happiness in drawing!
Thank you! I'll add you to the list! And take your time finding a pic I still have to get caught up with another request!


Your art is so adorable! Are you still taking requests?
If you are I'd love to see my little guy. Maybe at the flower dance festival dancing with his husband Harvey.
Added to my list! I'll probably update the first post later tonight!


Hey there! I hope I'm not too late to the party lol. Could you do my character petting the dog next to (best girl) Leah? I hope this isn't too much and thank you for this!
(If you can could you set it in front of the Farmhouse during fall? Ik backgrounds are a lot so you don't have to do this at all)



Hey! Your art is awesome! Do you still take requests? I'd love mine just chilling with a chicken or having some coffee on the farm. Whatever you feel like.

Brighton Wyss

I would love to have my farmer drawn. His name is brighton and is married to Abigail

*Is very lazy.
*Loves to help Abigail practice her swordsmanship.
*Also loves having Abigail help him with flute lessons.
*Has black hair ( in case you want to add it because it's not shown on the picture )

For my drawing I would like Brighton and Abigail to be relaxing in hammocks underneath the excruciating heat of the calico desert. I hope you get to it soon. Bye!

