
So my game has been glitching and I can give universally hated gifts and they will love it, I mean I’m not complaining cuz I have leveled up every one like 17 times but I just thought that this was weird and was wondering it this was happening to anyone else on Nintendo Switch or just in general lol
Does this mean I can use sapto gain hearts and give clay back to Vincent


I have been having trouble with Stardew Valley on my Nintendo switch. So I started a save profile and I gave Caroline a daffodil and it said it was a loved gift and I was like well that’s weird. And so then I started a new safe profile and gave Alex a pinecone and he loved it and it’s really affecting my gameplay, please, please fix it.


My friend even said they are experiencing it too and I've seen others say that had the same thing. Character items are registered as a loved item in the game despite it being only liked or even disliked.


I'm having the same issue. I've been handing out blueberries because i have a few stacks of them. Also, it just makes me laugh to give someone a single blueberry as a gift. Don't want to spoil their appetite for dinner!


yeah it’s the same for me. I think it’s extremely annoying - I wanted to do a complete legit play through. No cheats, no mods. And now because of this I wasn’t able to and haven’t been able to create my new save for days maybe weeks? So I didn’t want to play Stardew valley because I couldn’t start my new farm anyway :/ I hope they fix it immediately, I’m glad some are enjoying it but it’s ruining my game-play plan :((
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yea, I'm not really a fan of it too. i know opinions differ on that but i always felt that maxing friendship in SV goes too fast (even without gifting) so i'm not too fond of this bug :D

when do you all think this will be fixed? bc it's already like this for a few weeks right? or maybe i'm remembering wrong. bc of this bug i haven't really played bc i also feel like i'm cheating :D. still thankful for the update tho :)

evergreen oak

Having fun with a glitch is fine, but we shouldn't be celebrating a broken game. They have to fix this and they need to fix it soon. The amount of time it is taking them to get 1.6 stable for users outside of PC is ridiculous and should be embarrassing for them as professionals. Get your **** together, Sickhead Games


Having fun with a glitch is fine, but we shouldn't be celebrating a broken game. They have to fix this and they need to fix it soon. The amount of time it is taking them to get 1.6 stable for users outside of PC is ridiculous and should be embarrassing for them as professionals. Get your **** together, Sickhead Games
so, I do agree, it’s taking them quite long to fix it and it’s really frustrating. I think your words were a bit harsh… but overall I totally agree. I’m quite upset by this :(


yea, I'm not really a fan of it too. i know opinions differ on that but i always felt that maxing friendship in SV goes too fast (even without gifting) so i'm not too fond of this bug :D

when do you all think this will be fixed? bc it's already like this for a few weeks right? or maybe i'm remembering wrong. bc of this bug i haven't really played bc i also feel like i'm cheating :D. still thankful for the update tho :)
Exactly. Haven’t played it either and yes - it’s been like this for weeks, no fixes. I’m quite upset by this, I hope they fix it soon or at least give us an estimated time on how long it’ll take to fix it. My semester break just started but because of this I’m not playing stardew valley, I wish I could though because now I’ve got more time for it then ever. D:


I have been having trouble with Stardew Valley on my Nintendo switch. So I started a save profile and I gave Caroline a daffodil and it said it was a loved gift and I was like well that’s weird. And so then I started a new safe profile and gave Alex a pinecone and he loved it and it’s really affecting my gameplay, please, please fix it.
Yes, its been the same for me. Its sooo annoying, and they havent fixed the bug even though its been like this for weeks at this point. Hope they fix it soon

evergreen oak

We can't count on them to fix anything anytime soon, or communicate with any urgency. I wish I was over it but I'm still upset. I actually hate that I used to love stardew so much, it makes this treatment much more painful


Having fun with a glitch is fine, but we shouldn't be celebrating a broken game. They have to fix this and they need to fix it soon. The amount of time it is taking them to get 1.6 stable for users outside of PC is ridiculous and should be embarrassing for them as professionals. Get your [unsafe word] together, Sickhead Games
There are more like 10 and not 10000 people on the team. So you cannot expect the same as from an AAA video game company.