Me and my SO are playing a co-op world for quite some time now, but we´ve hit this incredibly weird roadblock... After me playing a day alone, she isn´t able to join even when i click the co-op option. I loaded the game on the regular load button for one day i´d be playing by myself, and now whenever we try to play together on the Co-op option, it pops up on her game, where she is able to click to connect - But when she tries to, the game loads for a while, and she get´s a black screen and her game crashes. on my end, it shows im hosting a co-op world, it even shows her character loaded up on our world but then she quickly disconnects. This is only happening on our specific co-op world, since we tried creating another one and she´s able to connect on it no problem. it only started after i played one of the in game days by myself. How do we fix this? we´ve spent countless hours on this save, any help is appreciated...