(HELP) I'm at 99% for Crafting Recipes...


Local Legend
it was some time ago, it’s very likely I’m not remembering correctly. Do you remember who it was?

I just know that in quite a few solo games I've gone full 100% without ever making it. I didn't do any real testing after the question was asked, though.


Try to close the game, turn off the consolle, change game, then re-open Stardew Valley and your farm.
Or, as someone suggested, confront your tab of crafting with the wikipedia's one! Once I missed the craft sold by the dwarf in the mine! 😄


Try to close the game, turn off the consolle, change game, then re-open Stardew Valley and your farm.
Or, as someone suggested, confront your tab of crafting with the wikipedia's one! Once I missed the craft sold by the dwarf in the mine! 😄
Thank you so much for the suggestion, I did try that recently. I closed the game out and hopped on another game for a few days and it still didn't work. Its super stressing broo. I'll eventually take pictures of what I have for my crafting recipes. But I swear I feel like jolly ol' saint nick, checking the list of others who complete it and mine like 80 times already


I think @imnvs tested this and found you don’t need to craft the wedding ring, even in multiplayer.

I’d you upload screenshots of your crafting menu here I’m sure someone will figure out what you’re missing.

Yeahh, I figured that out quickly. I did destroy that cabin and stuff. I did a full on restart on the game AND the switch and it still not working. I have checked others who have finished and I have all of the things. I have turned on the game option to see how many times I've crafted a thing and all of them have at least 1. So I'm just super confused man


Try making a wedding ring see if that does it. Desert and Island Trader, Krobus and Dwarf, Pierre, Caroline’s tea bushes, Flower Dance, Spirits Eve festivals all have recipes too. Missing any of those by chance? If you are on 1.6 then Willy now has a recipe.


Yeahh, I figured that out quickly. I did destroy that cabin and stuff. I did a full on restart on the game AND the switch and it still not working. I have checked others who have finished and I have all of the things. I have turned on the game option to see how many times I've crafted a thing and all of them have at least 1. So I'm just super confused man
You can post screenshots here if you want, sometimes a second pair of eyes helps find the missing recipe.


I'm at 92% and i think the only things I'm missing are the life elixir, and to buy the tub of flowers recipe from Pierre in spring at the flower dance festival. I also had to get all the recipes from the Ginger island trader and Mr. Qi's secret walnut room...as well as craft every totem and floor tile out there. I've completed every quest and gotten 10 hearts with everyone so I've unlocked all the crafting recipes gained from that too. Hope my struggles jog something for ya!

Nike Leon

Yeahh, I figured that out quickly. I did destroy that cabin and stuff. I did a full on restart on the game AND the switch and it still not working. I have checked others who have finished and I have all of the things. I have turned on the game option to see how many times I've crafted a thing and all of them have at least 1. So I'm just super confused man
Have you transmuted iron and gold at least once each?


Have you transmuted iron and gold at least once each?
Do you have the recipe and have crafted the Deluxe Scarecrow? That is what is holding me up. I don’t have the recipe because I trashed one of the 8 rarecrows instead of keeping it. Now I’m waiting for the night market to buy the one that I missed and that should let me get 100%.


I have crafted literally everything, I have done research so I have all the crafting Items. But STILL I am at 99%.. I have the Advanced Crafting Information on and I have checked every item and there is no 0 items made. Is this a bug or am I for real missing something? Anyone have an idea what's happing??
I remember having this problem in an older save (pre 1.6). My wife and I went to the wiki crafting section and went through the list checking to make sure we had all the recipes. Eventually we found one we were missing and looked up who gives you the recipe. Some recipes are only available after you do a quest like robins stone resource rush, or the prismatic jelly quests or heart events with villagers like Linus showing you the wild bate recipe.


Do you have the recipe and have crafted the Deluxe Scarecrow? That is what is holding me up. I don’t have the recipe because I trashed one of the 8 rarecrows instead of keeping it. Now I’m waiting for the night market to buy the one that I missed and that should let me get 100%.
Oh yeah, that one is a pain lol.


I was also stuck at 99% forever. My last recipes were from the community board near the mayor's house. I had to pour over the wiki to see the ones I was missing.