Also I know this is belated, but thank you everyone here who has posted a tip here.
Definitely not slothful. That is a lot of mining!I mined my little butt off and used 10,000 rocks to make 100 staircases.
If you only care about how far you can go, then a ladder is a definite and efficient solution. This allows you to continue advancing deeper without the need to engage in mining or hunting monsters.So me and my friend have been trying to fly thru the mines to reach level 100, but it's really hard, and idk how to reach level 100 in a full day. Any help? (Please don't tell me what happens when I reach it.)
Best choice is to get a crystalarium from the community center and start making lots of jade to trade in the desert for staircases. Also bring lots of bombs to clear rocks and find the exit quicklySo me and my friend have been trying to fly thru the mines to reach level 100, but it's really hard, and idk how to reach level 100 in a full day. Any help? (Please don't tell me what happens when I reach it.)
How many Days/Seasons/Years did that take?So everyone (on the first page, at least) is saying to use jade to buy the staircase, but I made staircases. I mined my little butt off and used 10,000 rocks to make 100 staircases. I made sure to keep an eye out for mining challenges because that way I was able to keep my relationships with NPCs up. I also saved up raw mined materials (and some money) to collect as many bombs as possible. That way, when I hit a level that was iridium ore-full, I could cash in a bit.
Mega bombs and a lucky day. I tried a few times and when I did get to level 100 my run ended at level 176. Way further then I’ve gone with staircases.So me and my friend have been trying to fly thru the mines to reach level 100, but it's really hard, and idk how to reach level 100 in a full day. Any help? (Please don't tell me what happens when I reach it.)
Then you didn't bring enough staircasesMega bombs and a lucky day. I tried a few times and when I did get to level 100 my run ended at level 176. Way further then I’ve gone with staircases.
I didn‘t bring staircases on purpose. I also play on switch and feel spamming staircases is basically a waste. I was never able to make it this far with spamming staircases. Since that las post I made it down past 200, which was by far my best run. I see people online getting down like 300-600+ floors in a single run but I think the limitations of being on console stop me from reaching those numbers.Then you didn't bring enough staircases
Truthfully speaking though, your best bet is always with a mix of both. When the game doesn't restrict usage of two things that both work well, most times they work even better when paired. Bombs are of course essential for resource gathering and exposing ladders, but the ability to place your own ladders saves a lot of time on useless floors, infested floors, etc. when you'd otherwise be toiling away for no real benefit without them.
Could well be, haven't played on switch. On my endgame farm I typically effectively start my runs on floor 200 for a 'normal' dive (bring 250 staircases, use 200 right away, then transition to using bombs and stuff and gathering resources while you make your way down). That provides a nice level of profitability and a good amount of resources without having to go crazy with stuff, which given the 100+ crystalariums pumping out Jade represents just a few days worth of resources to pull off. But when I was testing going *DEEP*, I have on multiple occasions brought 1100+ stairs, used 1000 right away and started my run there. When doing that for comparison I would be done laying staircases and kicking off actually mining somewhere like 8pm, but that deep easily 70%+ of the nodes are ore, with more iridium than anything else. Once you get down past 1500 at least in the past it was basically all iridium (can't guarantee that's still true on current patch) but with my skillset of pause buffering and laying staircases that takes basically the whole day to get down to, leaving you no time to actually gather stuff, making 1000 a better balance for me.I didn‘t bring staircases on purpose. I also play on switch and feel spamming staircases is basically a waste. I was never able to make it this far with spamming staircases. Since that las post I made it down past 200, which was by far my best run. I see people online getting down like 300-600+ floors in a single run but I think the limitations of being on console stop me from reaching those numbers.
Yes, I usually need to set up my tools so I can pickaxe the occasional Stone quickly to place the Staircase. Bombing will hurt you (unless you have a particular late-game buff) so yes you still need that distance. And FYI Bombs still need an open tile to place them just like Staircases so I don't usually use them purely to go down Levels. I don't eat or drink any Buff foods if I'm just using Staircases to get down levels quickly, they don't help anything for that. Save the Buffs for when you get to Level 60 or 100 or whatever you mind is filled to overflowing. i have used the staircases but still learning to use them fast. sometimes the stones get in the way so i have to pound the stone first. do the bombs affect your health? i try to get distance between me and the bomb before it explodes. if i just use staircases i could skip the spicy ell? or the speed helps in using the staircases? i have never gotten past 40 in scull cavern.
They do, but that doesn't mean it's worth it to avoid them. Especially if you're stacked up on defense and have plenty of health recovery items you're far better off just laying them wherever and accepting the damage, healing it back up as needed. Given that it's 1000G for a bomb (thus making each iron ore worth 212 gold in money saved for bombs, and each iron node on average only a bit less profitable than a diamond node) the amount spent to heal is not going to contribute significantly to your expenses. If you're just starting out, here are the top 5 tips for early skull cavern runs:my mind is filled to overflowing. i have used the staircases but still learning to use them fast. sometimes the stones get in the way so i have to pound the stone first. do the bombs affect your health? i try to get distance between me and the bomb before it explodes. if i just use staircases i could skip the spicy ell? or the speed helps in using the staircases? i have never gotten past 40 in scull cavern.
Bring a battery the first time you explore it. There’s a box in the wall between the two lamps, it is hard to see. Put the battery there to start a quest.your pix helps!!! sheesh, i just checked. i never knew there was a tunnel there. i know where i can put stuff now.
Even on console it's absolutely possible and worth it to staircase at least a few hundred levels.I didn‘t bring staircases on purpose. I also play on switch and feel spamming staircases is basically a waste. I was never able to make it this far with spamming staircases. Since that las post I made it down past 200, which was by far my best run. I see people online getting down like 300-600+ floors in a single run but I think the limitations of being on console stop me from reaching those numbers.
Oh don’t get me wrong, that’s all I did before 1.6. I’d have like half a big shed full of jade crystalariums, so when I went skull caverning I’d have 300+ stairs… still never got to floor 200.Even on console it's absolutely possible and worth it to staircase at least a few hundred levels.
Pause buffering is rather difficult and less fruitful than on pc, but even without you can descend about 7-8 floors per in game tick, that's easily enough to descend a few hundred floors before 12pm, and have 14+ hours to bomb away with much higher rates than if you were merely bombing your way down (even accounting for the ore you get while doing so, though with the minimized early rates it's comparatively low). Just getting to floor 100 alone is generally worth it if you want to avoid many staircases, as you get through the zone where iridium rates increase the most before being dampened, while only taking a couple hours on any platform.
Do what you wish, but do try it out, you may be surprised
All of this.... and, if you realize you're not going to make it, consider resetting the day, to preserve the good luck day, preserve all of your equipment etc.How to reach level 100 without staircases:
1. Buy a desert warp totem (and make one back to your farm if you don't wish to pass out).
2. Put all the items you need into a chest next to your bed, food (I prefer Spicy Eel and Triple Shot Espresso, with anything that doesn't give a buff such as Pink Cake) , slingshot + explosive ammo, any bombs you can afford/make, weapon such as lava katana or galaxy sword and the warp totems. Also, rings and boots are important, 2 iridium bands/iridium band + slime charmer ring and space boots.
3. Place the tv next to your bed, wait for a good luck (yellow pyramid) or best luck day (purple star), if the day isn't desired, leave items in chest and play the day as normal.
4. When you get your good/best luck day, warp immediately to the desert and take your buffs, run straight to the cavern.
5. In the cavern your main goal is to find a ladder or a shaft, no collecting loot, avoid extended fights with enemies, take the shaft instead of stairs if you find both. If you don't wish to pass out in the cavern, warp back to your farm at 1.30 am.
Keep trying till you get it! Good luck :)