Not really:
1. first off, it's not intended, cabins are meant for each player that's playing multiplayer for their own needs/there is no current way to buy and upgrade them on your own/there would be no reason for sheds to exist (big shed introduced after cabins, if using them for space was intended this would have been really weird)
2. there's a limit of 3/7 if on pc (mobile maybe?) cabins, that means 'only' whatever 1500/3500 machines, which isn't really that much in the grand scheme of comparing them to sheds which aren't that bad themselves, heck, you can fit something like 2800 machines just straight on the farm by themselves
3. the argument for space is already rather artificial, you can fit so many sheds on the farm that space becomes trivial (as you become limited by time), it's primarily one of balancing aesthetic for those who don't like/don't want a lot of buildings and are unwilling to use the off farm space for the same aesthetic reasons or they're misguided into thinking it's less efficient.