So you are saying I sacrificed an Infinity Sword to the Dragontooth Cutlass for nothing
, forged a worse weapon to a rarer weapon, that's what I get for making assumptions just because something feels more convoluted to obtain!
Time to use the Cutlass for what it really is and crit my way through the Magma Sparkers (I hope at least it is more effective in dealing with them because they are really the only monsters that annoy me...)
Both are totally valuable and workable weapons, you can create a crit build with the infinity sword and it's totally functional too. At that point with crit builds the exact weapon won't make the biggest difference outside of niche cases
It's also a real estate issue though... if I could bring my whole house of items I would, but often times I'm running OUT of spots even with the biggest bag. Nowadays spelunking in the dungeons drop soooo much loot, you will be sacrificing things when you brought more items to them
Yeah though a single slot usually doesn't make much of a difference, you can save a lot more by ditching tools when you go to skull cavern or by having chests at the top of the mines to deposit stuff
Here's the thing, though. You're just crunching numbers. Let's look at a practical run, shall we?
You bonk with hammer, everything in your area already dies in one hit. Congratulations, your cooldown is now irrelevant because it will be back anyway before anything else can get in range. This makes Acrobat entirely useless in any practical scenario.
That's not necessarily what's happening though, and you're often facing enemies that come in successive waves rather than all at once.
If we take what you say at face value, then the extra damage doesn't make a huge difference when you're killing everything in one slam attack, then the ability to do that special twice as often if far more beneficial. As someone who plays a lot in the mines/sc and primarily with the hammer it makes a massive difference, especially in runs where you're moving between enemies quickly or facing enemies like spiders that can get temporary immunity, necessitating more attacking to be as thorough in clearing them, I'd highly recommend trying it out.
I get your perspective, I genuinely do. However, you're missing a key point here. It is entirely pointless to do thousands of damage when hundreds will kill any opponent you find. You don't need to pierce the heavens, you just need to reliably defeat any enemy you encounter. It is entirely pointless to reduce your cooldown if there's nothing left to swing at in your vicinity after your initial attack is over. It is entirely pointless to have a chance to not one-hit because you didn't crit when you *can* reliably one-hit with every swing. And once you can do that, extra damage or capability is entirely useless.
I don't really think I'm missing the point, and for a couple reasons:
1. I'm talking to a sword player and was giving advice to a sword player first off, which obviously doesn't use the hammer and its ability.
2. swinging is just objectively faster than special attack spam, going back to basics in practicality, for something that doesn't take much more effort to put together I can make my hammer incredibly powerful in critting when regular swinging and absolutely still capitalize on the special attack.
3. The halving of the special attack
does make a difference in a practical setting, trust me, I've played enough with it to know and it's the popular choice for hammer users for a well founded reason
Perfection is the enemy of 'good enough'. In attaining perfection, you fail to realize that you have left the goal behind long ago, and there is no benefit to surpassing it.
There's a difference in chasing perfection and well thought out optimization, also it's oftentimes just fun to go for something better when it's still netting you tangible gains. I think it's an absolute fun killer to ground everything within perfectly measured approaches, especially in a game where the optimization is easy and perfectly possible to revert