Completely off-topic discussion (If you just wanna talk about random stuff, this is the place)

Lew Zealand

Having a minor panic attack over latest life decision... am I getting in over my head? Dear self, remember: you won't know until you at least try...

On another note, I'm trying to figure out if I should invest in a more performant PC than what I currently have...
It’s always a disappointment when your PC is less interested than you in Show Tunes.


Took me a moment to realize what you meant @Lew Zealand LOL I will admit though I am looking for a more punchy PC as it does relate to production of, among other things, music! :laugh: so i guess your comment is more apropos than you thought!
I love music! but I have this thought isn't music just noise we've all decided sounds good? Like what is it about these sounds that appeal to us on so many levels? sorry lol.


I just ended up on the receiving end of karma. I don’t remember how it came about, but I had started picking on my girl for something clumsy she has done numerous times and still continues to do (not in some caustic way, which she knows that, and she also knows that I like to fluster her, all in good fun however and is that whole ‘playful flirting’ thing). Particularly, she does this clumsy thing whenever we’re messaging one another on Discord. Well, said clumsy thing I ended up doing. Now, I’m not living it down.
Okay, so some news. Nothing on the arm wrestle yet. However, I'm currently on a diet. Of basically just eat as much as I possibly can. (Trying for 3,500 to 4,000 calories a day) Don't worry, it's all healthy, i.e chicken fajitas, protein shakes, eggs, salad, unflavored popcorn, oatmeal, a whole ton of beans, nuts, and beef. Before you ask why, it's because I want to gain muscle. I'm very fit and athletic, as you've probably already gathered, but I only weigh like 135 lbs and I'm 6 ft tall. So I'm trying to bulk up some. I've got the workout thing down, but the eating part is where I start to fall behind. I just eat when I'm hungry, which isn't really a great way to gain muscle. So now I'm on a self-enforced 'eat-as-much-healthy-food-as-you-can-diet' Also, before you ask, it just might be kind of because of the arm wrestle. However! That's not the only reason. There are other ones...

I just can't think of them right now.
Well, update.

I am now 6'2, weigh about 170 lb, bench press 230lb, squat 285lb, and deadlift 300 lb. I'm still very lean. ~9% body fat if I had to estimate. Can't necessarily say that I'm sorry for my complete absence since ive been busy, but thought I'd say something anyway.

Lew Zealand

Well, update.

I am now 6'2, weigh about 170 lb, bench press 230lb, squat 285lb, and deadlift 300 lb. I'm still very lean. ~9% body fat if I had to estimate. Can't necessarily say that I'm sorry for my complete absence since ive been busy, but thought I'd say something anyway.
Welcome back weary traveler from your lengthy adventures abroad! 'abroad' meaning beyond the lands of
Hey guys I know this is dead, but I finished my animal crossing encyclopedia today... IN TWO DIFFERENT GAMES
I finally caught the golden trout in New Horizons and caught the mitten crab as well as the spiny lobster in New Leaf. So now my collection is complete! The only thing is that I need 15 artwork in New Leaf and 10 artwork in New Horizons. After I do all of that, I'm going to focus on my City Folk encyclopedia where the museum is complete but I haven't caught everything.


I’m SOOOOOO tired…tired…tired…🥱😴🫣😳 and I haven’t even had surgery or radiation yet. Thursday’s the big day. This is going to be a fun holiday season, just shy of the one my mom was dying 13 years ago. And the one I lost my only child. 😭. Holidays are painful when you loose or have lost a loved one. Or are sick, or a whole slew of other things. I hope and pray for all those who have or will have this season. 🙏🤗


Btw one of my crowns is popping off in the middle of this…my pee is going to be green after surgery they said…uh my dog is attached to my leg again🥰…my in laws are sure tidy people but sweet as heck, we are staying here for better treatment…lol our guest room sure is a disaster though we have invaded…😈…uh I’m loosing the ability to use my mouse…great timing for CA to release the mobile version🫶🥰…my husband is a rock star…🤩😍…I don’t like healthy eating…I want junk food😈…prediabetes sucks…cancer sucks…fibro sucks…mental health issues suck…did I mention that the mobile version comes soon 🫶🥰👍👍…we have so many tv shows lined up to binge watch I’m stoked…you can tell my age by looking at the variety…I’m not into modern reality type shows, fake drama, real trauma during or after filming and all that sad stuff they do to people…I want to escape reality, not watch it…duh…whatever happened to good old funny sitcoms…so few today…did I mention the mobile version comes out soon 🤩🥰

Lew Zealand

I’m SOOOOOO tired…tired…tired…🥱😴🫣😳 and I haven’t even had surgery or radiation yet. Thursday’s the big day. This is going to be a fun holiday season, just shy of the one my mom was dying 13 years ago. And the one I lost my only child. 😭. Holidays are painful when you loose or have lost a loved one. Or are sick, or a whole slew of other things. I hope and pray for all those who have or will have this season. 🙏🤗
OMG I don't even know what to day so I'll just offer lots of hugs and love. 🤗:heart:🤗:heart:🤗:heart:🤗:stardrop::heart:🤗:heart:🤗:heart:🤗:heart:
And you will make it through this because you're already proven to do it twice over.

Btw one of my crowns is popping off in the middle of this…my pee is going to be green after surgery they said…
The rest of your thoughts are great but you peaked here, shoulda left that as the stinger at the end! :toothy: 🤗