Solved [1.6.9] Pelican Town Minecart cannot be interacted with [Windows]


  • explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens): I can't interact with Pelican Town Mincart, but all of the other Mincarts work fine in game. For example, I can get to Pelican Town from Bus Stop Minecart, but I can't go anywhere else from Pelican Town Minecart.
  • full error text (if any): None
  • what OS you are using: Windows 11
  • in-game language: Chinese
  • single-player or multiplayer: Both
  • if you're using controller or keyboard/mouse: keyboard/mouse
  • your version number: v.1.6.9 'beta' build 24270
  • anything else you think might be relevant: I found this bug while I was playing with my friend in multiplayer, and then I tried it in singplayer and it's the same problem. I also tried to change the language to English and it didn't work either. By the way, the save file is from my single-player game.


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