
  1. mouse

    PC Post Unmodded 1.5.5-beta Save Crashes Here

    Crash logs on Windows are in %appdata%\StardewValley\ErrorLogs (the folder above it is the same one your saves are in), on Mac ~/.config/StardewValley/ErrorLogs and on Linux ~/.local/share/StardewValley/ErrorLogs. If your error log starts with InnerException: System.Exception: The specified...
  2. CompletelyBonc

    PC [HELP] Revert back to 1.5.4 on steam

    Hi friends, I tried out the beta briefly earlier today and tried to revert back to 1.5.4 so I can play with my mods but the game isn't starting up, can someone help? :(
  3. CompletelyBonc

    Solved Can't revert from Beta

    So i downloaded the beta and didn't realize that not all of my mods were compatible. Is there a way to revert back to 1.5.4? SMAPI won't run the game since the game is still in the 1.5.5 beta
  4. kdau

    WIP Cropbeasts: open beta, testers wanted

    Why just harvest your crops when you could do battle with them? Cropbeasts are crops cursed by the witch that turn into monsters on your farm. After you defeat them, you get the original harvest and maybe something extra. All base game fruit and vegetable crops (except fruit trees) have...