Legendary Fish Ponds

Boy am I about to make your guy's day

Legendary fish ponds are being added in 1.6.9, you can partake in the public beta of 1.6.9 to mess around with them now as they're being worked on

They're not as complex as this post designed them to be but allow for collecting more roe types (in bulk vs one off with jewels of the sea) and have a limit of 1 per pond so you can't get more legendaries infinitely (in an intended way) and so it balances their roe production to be more like lava eel level
That's awesome! Thanks for the heads up! ^_^


I don't know what's the meaning that legendary fish can only be fished once but there are legendary II fishs and they can only be fished only in quest. I hope they can be caught once a year and always available in quest.


Local Legend
I don't know what's the meaning that legendary fish can only be fished once but there are legendary II fishs and they can only be fished only in quest. I hope they can be caught once a year and always available in quest.
Legendary fish can only be caught a single time and never again

The current system for legendary 2 fish isn't bad, you can only catch them in the quest but you can catch unlimited amounts of them while it's active, so you could catch 30 legend 2s for example
Legendary fish can only be caught a single time and never again

The current system for legendary 2 fish isn't bad, you can only catch them in the quest but you can catch unlimited amounts of them while it's active, so you could catch 30 legend 2s for example
So it's a harem thing for all the legendary (male) fishes... if the player is willing to fish as much.


Local Legend
So it's a harem thing for all the legendary (male) fishes... if the player is willing to fish as much.
I think it may only be so for 'Mr. Angler', I'm not entirely sure what his goals may be

It'll be a sad day when he sees the legendary fish ponds only have one population