Hungarian Typo/Display Text Errors

Magically Clueless

Staff member
Please report the errors you find here!

Please include:

  • The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.
  • Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
  • Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)


✅ Moderator note: these should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

This post summarizes obvious issues in Hungarian text based on the previous thread, reviewing the game code, and changes in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6. Feel free to mention any other issues in new posts below.

(Issues in purple affect most or all languages.)

Pre-existing issues
  • In Strings/Buildings, missing translations for Paint_Region_Building and Paint_Region_Trim (building paint menu region names).
  • In Strings/Shirts, missing translations for IslandBikini_*.
  • In Data/mail, the willyBackRoomInvitation letter is missing the mail name (after "[#]" in the original text).
  • In Characters/Dialogue/*, missing MovieInvitation translation for Evelyn, George, Kent, Linus, Pam, Pierre, Robin, Willy, and Wizard.
Secret notes:
  • In Data/SecretNotes, the translation for entry #1009 is missing the newer enchantments.
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translations for:
    • Dialogue.cs.755 ("a small island off the coast");
    • TitleScreenMenu.cs.11788 ("by ConcernedApe").
  • In Strings/UI, missing translation for DisplayAdjustmentText ("Press up/down to adjust the screen size to fit your display").

New in Stardew Valley 1.6
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translation for PurchaseAnimalsMenu.ChooseLocation (used when buying animals if you have animal buildings in multiple locations).
  • In Strings/Buildings:
    • Missing translation for BuildingSkinMenu_ChooseAppearance (used when choosing a building skin).
    • Missing translation for Construction_ChooseLocation (used in the carpenter menu when multiple locations allow buildings).
  • In Data/BigCraftablesInformation, missing translations for item #221 (Item Pedestal).
  • In Data/ObjectInformation:
    • Missing translations for all items with category Litter -999.
    • Missing translations for item #742 (Haley's Lost Bracelet).
  • In Strings/Objects, missing translation for:
    • CactusSeedsOutside.
  • In Strings/Shirts, shirts with male/female variants have been split into separate items, with an (M) or (F) suffix in the name. These should be translated if needed.
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translations for:
    • FarmComputer_Intro_* (the title shown in the Farm Computer summary);
    • Attack_Miss (short text shown near monster when an attack misses).
  • In Strings/Characters:
    • Review the Relative_* translations (which were based on the old Data/NPCDispositions).
  • In Strings/Locations, missing translation for Backwoods_MonsterGrave.
  • In Strings/UI, missing translations for...
    • AGO_LegacyRandomization and AGO_LegacyRandomization_Tooltip (shown in advanced game options UI).
    • NextPage and PreviousPage (used when paginating the location choices when multiple locations allow buildings).
    • Carpenter_ChangeAppearance (button text to change the player skin, shown in the carpenter menu & building paint menu).
    • Item_CantBeUsedHere (shown when rain totem is used in a disallowed location context (like the desert), and may be reused in the future).
  • Strings/WorldMap (new asset)
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✅Moderator note: these should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

Here are previous user reports that still apply in Stardew Valley 1.5.6 and 1.6-alpha (and aren't covered above). Note that it's up the translators to decide whether reports are correct.
I found an issue with Journal Entry number 9. This is supposed to give a clue for the Ginger Island mermaid quest. In English the journal says "Aye… stones as big as pennies and stones as big as nickels were they…” but in Hungarian it just says "Aye… stones as big as different coins were they…" so the clue is lost in translation. Not sure what the best translation would be but would be helpful to update so that the clue is there. Maybe something like "Aye... oly nagy köveket, mint az egy forintos pénzérmék és az öt forintos pénzérmék, olyanok voltak"

View attachment 6125
There is recipe called 'Red Plate' in English, which is translated to Hungarian as 'Vörös tábla'. The 'tábla' is among the meanings of plate, but here, as we are talking about a food, 'tál' or 'tányér' better fits the meaning.
My suggestion is to use 'Vörös tál'
In Gus's omelet scene (shows after completing a special order), there are two "a"-s instead of just one "a" in the word "származnak". Image is liked below.
View attachment 13983
"Red Plate" is translated as "Red table" (Vörös tábla)
The translations for fruit tree saplings are inconsistent. All except banana & mango are translated as "[fruit] tree sapling", but banana & mango are just "[fruit] sapling"

Cherry Sapling --> Cseresznyefa csemete
Apricot Sapling --> Sárgabarackfa csemete
Orange Sapling --> Narancsfa csemete
Peach Sapling --> Őszibarackfa csemete
Pomegranate Sapling --> Gránátalmafa csemete
Apple Sapling --> Almafa csemete

Mango Sapling --> Mangó csemete
Banana Sapling --> Banán csemete
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

Hi, im playing on steam--->pc
I have the newest version(1.6)
  1. i think i found a typo in the game, im playing hungaryan stardew valley.(i faund the typo inside of the game, i think its a typo) Ecetes kukorica= pickled corn, Egy üveg házikészítésű uborka= A homemade cucumber. and a cucumber is not corn

    Sorry for any typo

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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

Hello, I have encountered a display error while completing a quest for Willy, twice now. First it was for smallmouth bass and now it is for anchovy. The quest itself tracks well and you are able to complete it. it appears like this on the quest board too.

I am playing on pc, windows10, game version is 1.6.2 build 24081

stardew valley error.jpg
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Hey there!
I'm the one who translated the game into Hungarian language. Just noticed this topic in the forum, so I've registered and addressed all of the errors above.

  • Fixed the painting build stuff
  • Island bikini is now translated
  • Somehow I’ve missed Willy’s mail title, fixed it
  • Movie invitations are translated
  • SecretNotes is fixed (I’ve even included the new one that’s not in the english version)
  • In StringsFromCSFiles I’ve translated the coast part, but the ConcernedApe part is nowhere to be found (maybe it was removed?)
  • Strings\UI does not have the up/down adjustment string (maybe it was removed?)
  • Translated the missing strings from the 1.6 update
  • Corrected some machine translations (not made by me)
  • Fixed a lot of typos, retranslated and rephrased a lot of strings
Now for the errors mentioned earlier:

  • Fort he one to five stones string, we can’t write „forint” as it does not exist in the game’s world. I’ve translated like this: „Aye... különböző méretű köveket, mik egy, vagy akár öt érmének is megfeleltek”, which hints that they worth one to five coins. Suggestions are welcome!
  • Somehow I’ve missed the „plate” part, so fixed it as „vörös tál” like suggested.
  • The typo in „származnak” is fixed.
  • The tree saplings are fixed now (so „Mangófa csemete” and „Banánfa csemete” respectively)
  • The „uborka” is now „savanyúság”.
  • Willy’s quest stuff is fixed.
I’ve sent the new files on Discord, if there are other errors let me know.

If this reply is not needed then you can delete it.


✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

Hello there!
I am playing on the latest release on PC (v1.6.8), and found that the Geode Crusher's description hasn't been updated to state it doesn't use coal anymore. I don't really know if there are more items like this, but this could be misleading.

(I know this would be a long task to do for every item, and I should already thank you for translating everything into this language, but if you need any help, I might have just a little time to spare)
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Hello there!
I am playing on the latest release on PC (v1.6.8), and found that the Geode Crusher's description hasn't been updated to state it doesn't use coal anymore. I don't really know if there are more items like this, but this could be misleading.
View attachment 23239
(I know this would be a long task to do for every item, and I should already thank you for translating everything into this language, but if you need any help, I might have just a little time to spare)
Thanks for noticing! Will update the strings as soon as I can.


✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

Found a possible typo in the quest which Marnie gives you in her 3 heart event. I guess I will continue to update this thread if I find anymore typos or inaccuracies, if it's good for you. (Version: 1.6.8 on Windows PC)


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