1.6 Update 1.6 release date is March 19th!

And there were people thinking it would take a while, Well, honestly, I want to see the new decoration items, Since he announced it, I posted something on Twitter that I always wanted, The recipe for this Fence of Grass, Yes, it seems silly but I would really like it, However, my expectations are in relation to the spouses, There could be more of their participation in the Farm, There could be a small chance (0.1%) That every day your husband or wife invites you to something like Cinema, eating at Gus, some scene like that, I would also like Shane to organize his room at least once a year, Finally, I want new Plantations and a correction to the Funnel, Almost everyone I know longs for Farm automation.
That's awesome! I didn't think it would be out so soon. ^_^ I already have a new farm theme in mind for it.

I'm looking forward to the new farm type! I'm hoping for a desert or high desert farm, but I'm sure whatever it is will be a welcome addition. ^_^ Maybe we'll get a Fall equivillent of the rice/tarro shoots, too! I'd be happy with a new monster or two as well.

I'm also glad the villagers will be dressed accordongly in winter now. I always feel cold just looking at them (except Sebastian, who is apparently used to the cold). :snowflake::petrified:


I’m mobile so I will just have to be happy for pc players for now, you lucky ducks! 😁Honestly though I didn’t suspect it was going to be this soon for them even as I know he’s working on his other game too. Maybe mobile will be this year too then after all! Woo hoo! 🤗
This is the best news!!
My husband and I are planning a couch co-op Joja run since neither of us have gone that route on any of our farms, especially since more end-game content is being added. I'm eager to see what the new farm type is going to be, and as long as there's ample room for dozens of piggies we'll probably go with it--last time we did a co-op farm we chose the riverlands (or whatever it's called) and felt incredibly disadvantaged by the lack of space even before attempting to build obelisks and the like, haha--but if it's not, I'm going to insist we do the four corners farm or the quarry farm because this girl has PLANS.
To echo what @Igorferreira72 said, I would LOVE it if they added hedge walls; it would be nice to have more outdoor decorating options and a simple hedge would do wonders. On my solo farm it would be nice if Elliot treated me to a date every now and then; it would help spice things up late game and give you more incentive to go to the movie theater. Previously, the only time I went to the theater was to convince Dwarf to be my friend. It would be nice if you could do more with your tots, too. It's nice to use them as a hat rack, but it would be so cute if you could have them follow you around the farm to "help" with chores and things, like real life farm kids, or even enroll them in lessons with Penny after a certain amount of time goes by so you could see them around town with the other kids.
I wonder if more flooring recipes will be added, i.e. gold, silver, iridium tiles, while tedious, would surely add some pizazz, especially if you're going for a more luxe aesthetic (or even a Wizard of Oz type thing).
I'm so excited to enjoy even more Stardew and to see what all you creatives do with the new content!


According to CA he took a break from Haunted Chocolatier while working on 1.6, but will be back to working on that game afterwards!
That was a real dilemma for me:
  • ConcernedApe is working on Haunted Chocolatier 🥳... so he isn't working on a new Stardew Valley update 😭
  • ConcernedApe is working on a new Stardew Valley update 🥳... so he took a break from Haunted Chocolatier 😭

And like many, I very curious about the rancoon on the picture. Could we be able to tame one to dig in Evelyn and George's trash can?