bimodal gender & pride flag decorations


a simple way to include people of all genders is to add an optional slider of the bimodal gender spectrum (for a reference, look up "bimodal gender spectrum") my other suggestion is adding pride flag decorations, whether it be just a pride flag or rainbow flag or that and some extras or whatever else is up for suggestion, however I believe this would add a new dimension to roleplaying and inclusion when it comes to diversity, I personally see no down-sides apart from how many pride flags to add I would like to hear the communities opinion

edit: you could also integrate the idea of having pronouns be an input box that stores a variable


Ich weiss, (ich habe die anderen schon angeguckt bevor ich dies hier gemacht habe) aber ich finde die sind alle zu hypersimplistisch für mein geschmack und der bimodalen gender spektrum ist eine einfache methode was für mehr inklusivität sorgt (es gibt nehmlich menschen die identifizieren auserhalb von non-binär und klassisches m/f)