In contrast to Farmer Bobbi's eventual restive existence her start is usually quite efficient, buying Cauliflower seeds and chopping Trees for the Field Snack recipe on Day 1. She notices while Fishing on Day 2 that her arms don't transform into damp noodles from excessive effort and from then on it's about choosing the best way to use her brain instead of her incompletely developed brawn.
Her brain still nags and is bothered when turning Fish, Fruit and Veg into partial Community Center Bundles and that sense of incompleteness does eventually result in Desert and Quarry, and Minecart access. But of course there's always that horrendous eyesore clogging up the Farm.
No, not the spreading Weeds, those are for Tea Saplings. No! Those mushroom patches are for toads to keep their feet dry! The Trashhouse which someone mentioned apparently transmogrifies into a greenhouse if the Traveling Cart Lady and I could ever arrange a meeting and delivery. That elusive Red Cabbage Seed really kills any budding/grudging motivation to complete things quickly within the first year as that Fall 28 line in the sand comes and goes Cabbagelessly.
Every Year.
Leaving Winter Y1 for theming and planning the Farm "design" once the motivation for storyline accomplishments has been suitably crushed by the tyranny of game RNG.