That would be cool, new forageables in the island, more exotic crops, maybe a restaurant to take your spouse to, the possibilities are limitless reallyI'm hoping it's a sort of Calico Desert experience, reading all the responses it be nice to let's say do this:
-Willy takes you out to the Ocean for new fish and that comes with new recipes! :D
You can also opt out to, go to the New Island with: new NPCs, Shops, Dungeon, items.
That's what I mean by Calico, let 's say you can only sail out from 8-5pm.
Right! New everything!That would be cool, new forageables in the island, more exotic crops, maybe a restaurant to take your spouse to, the possibilities are limitless really
CA has said he doesn't intend to ever charge for game updates, I would assume with the 10 million copies the game has sold, plus music and merch sales, he's doing fine :)I wish we had more information on the content. One person tweeted back to CA that if he needed too, this could be a DLC on the game, and charge money for it.
I double that, we are getting a lot of content for a really small price game, some triple A games doesnt have this much stuff going on.
Maybe you can go to the fern islands!!!!!!!!Maybe it will work like the bus, where you have to pay willy a fee to travel to new locations using his boat, he did mention he and his father were travelling from island to island as I recall, so maybe once you get enough hearts with him, he takes you to fish to new exotic fishing spots which change daily, for a fee of course.
i still think he should charge something, at least if its big enough thoCA has said he doesn't intend to ever charge for game updates, I would assume with the 10 million copies the game has sold, plus music and merch sales, he's doing fine :)
It can often feel like it's a ton of content for one price, but remember Stardew only has to support a dev team of two, plus the console and mobile ports. Triple A game companies on the other hand, usually have hundreds of employees.
as soemoen almost always broke due to bills. lets not ask for this. loli still think he should charge something, at least if its big enough tho
and if we take all the updates till now we already passed that point {unless you dont play/count multiplayer}
Or what if we get to meet that mer-NPC?What if a sea monster that you sometimes see (rare) is actually a submarine that Willy built and we get access to that. It appears right next to his shop.
Sorry about that. My youngest fell asleep on my phone.trtttty
That would be cool! Getting to learn more about a mysterious character is fun and I'm sure a lot of people want to know more about themWhat if we are able to meet merpeople in the update and we find out more about them!
That is an iridium quality punIt's going to be great update for shore ;)