PlayStation Year 3 - All Days- Shane/Schedule/Bus Bug (others report other spouses)


This was on PlayStation 5.

On Sunday 28 of Fall year 3, I received a quest from Sandy to bring her an amethyst. I used a desert totem to quick travel and planned to come back via bus. This was around noon in-game. I headed back the the Bus, but my hubby Shane was standing in the bus doorway and wasn't moving. I ended up using a farm totem to get back to town.

Edit: this doesn't fit his schedule at all.


Update: Shane now doesn't sleep in our house. He's there in the morning but never at night. This bug is getting progressively worse. He doesn't even properly spend time with his chicken on Saturdays anymore.

EDIT: He slept in the bed after Egg Festival, let's see if it stays that way. He might be cheating on me /s
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For more information, after the egg festival and being a chosen vendor at the desert festival, Shane is now sleeping in my bed again. Combined with the walking through fences and clipping the screen, this feels like it might have something to do with the coding deliberately left in that allows you to glitch-walk with a tool outside of the normally accessible areas of the screen. Seeing as CA specifically added an Easter egg for those willing to cheat their way to a certain summit, I'm wondering if this glitch is related. By leaving the tool-walking glitch in the game, the developer effectively bypassed some of the usual collision and boundary restrictions for players. It’s plausible that this same system occasionally fails for NPCs, resulting in erratic movement like Shane’s walking through fences and clipping through terrain. This could mean festivals act as soft resets for NPC schedules, which might temporarily resolve pathfinding glitches. If the glitch is tied to Shane’s schedule or collision interactions, the festival might be "cleaning up" corrupted data in the code governing his movements, albeit temporarily.


Hi there. I'm on Switch and can see the same faulty schedules, and sometimes he deosn't sleep in the bed...
The worst part is that I can't divorce Shane : It happens a systematic crash, the day cannot be saved... I'm stuck with Shane.
I'm also on Nintendo Switch.
I will create a thread to report this bug.