Riverland Farm Year 2, Winter day 11


Just a look around my riverland farm so far. I don't really know how to set it up quite yet.
This is my second farm ever, my first being the beach farm, which was kinda rough as a complete beginner, never having played or watched anything stardew related before. I don't know if I'll be aiming for efficiency and mass-money making, or pretty aesthetics. I did marry Alex though, and there's a baby on the way, which is cute. All date-able characters are at max hearts, and the only characters not maxed out are
Willy - 7 hearts
Pierre - 7 hearts
Wizard - 7 hearts
Krobus - 7 hearts
Clint - 7 hearts
Dwarf - 5 hearts
Sandy - 1 heart rip </3
I've not made it to ginger island yet, and only to floor 15 in the skull caverns. There's still so much to do :)



That looks like a great start, on Riverland no less. I’m planning to do a Riverland farm next and that will definitely be about aesthetics rather than money making. I think that’s the hardest farm for serious money, not that I have huge experience. But you can make more money than you know what to do with on any farm.