PC [Xbox Game Pass] Lag Every Time Mouse Moves


Topic is pretty specific. Starting from the very moment of running the game, the game stutters/lags as you move the mouse (wired). It is back to normal when no mouse cursor movement is present.

- Run as administrator
- Set CPU priority higher
- Toggling off CPU0 in Set Affinity

did not solve the problem. I installed the game as soon as it was released on Xbox Game Pass - which means 02.12 - so I do not think any update is left behind.

Can you help out here?



Hi, I had the same problem this evening when I went to play it. What I ended up doing was tabbing in and out of the game until I got to the point (after character creation and first cut scene) where I could bring up the menu (has character, crafting, settings and other tabs) and went over to settings.... scroll down until you see the option of vsync. There is a green x in that by default and you want to remove that. Once I removed it the game was working perfectly. I hope this helps you.

ps... Just noticed that I had to turn off vsync the second time I went back in as well. So it may keep trying to turn it back on.

pss.... The best solution for me was to make it windowed (under the graphics settings in the game) and then whether the vsync was on or not it seemed to solve the issue
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