Who did you marry fist?


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@Arda Hey there! Since we are only able to moderate English here I'll have to ask that you stick to English going forward!


My first game I had to chose Leah! She makes for a nice wife and mother :hlevel::leah:
Who was your fist Partner!? And why?
Penny. It's always Penny, I just can't resist the red hair and heart of gold. And then her getting the best 14 heart event in the game? There's just no way to quit her, but then, why would I want to?
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My first choice was supposed to be Leah, but since I got into this game by watching a YouTuber play it and he chose Leah, I decided to change it and went for Penny.


I weighed up the (male) options carefully and decided I wanted to marry Sam. As it happens, I ended up marrying Shane! Happy with my decision, though


Elliot - that jawline and hair are just too good to pass up...
Exactly and add his personality on top as well! Dream deal for me. I'm at my first playthrough right now though. Considering Sam or Alex next time.
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I chased Leah for a while. But I am a Mormon, so, yucko, the wine.
Emily was and is cute. Maybe too cute. I adore her to the end of the earth.
Maru and Penny were my contenders. I just couldn't bear to marry Maru, as I am an engineer myself, and can't tear her from her workshop. But she's adorable too.
I married Penny. I plan to get more lovers in future playthroughs, but I probably will marry Penny again.

(I have to say that of all the males, I find Elliot the only interesting one. At all.)

I married Maru my first 5 games. I found her really attractive: intelligent, strong, practical, well-adjusted, inventive, funny, and adorable. What's not to love? She made a great wife, too - very helpful and supportive. And I like her family.
Amen. Maybe someday I will marry Maru instead of Penny.
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Lew Zealand

Penny. Best hair in the game, especially from the back.

OK and her annoyed/angry look is just great. It's something along the lines of: "are you *really* that much of a moron?"