What's your optimal enchanting and most importantly, why you think it best suits you?


1. SHAVING axe: The more resources, the better it is! Also, until late game, i run Lumberjack skill, so it is win-win!

2. REACHING Hoe: I used to run GENEROUS in the past, but late-game is useless (ginger island has clay nodes in dig site anyway and late-game, you earn omni-geodes in bulk, to trade with artifact troves directly).

3. REACHING Watering Can: I used to run BOTTOMLESS in the past, but cancelling out an entire gameplay feature (refill, rendering Wells and Fishing Ponds useless concerning water usage), didn't sit all too well with me. Plus, both of those tools with REACHING, are ideal for Iridium Sprinklers set, which i have many at Ginger Island farm!

4. POWERFUL Pickaxe: I was between SWIFT and POWERFUL, tested both and decided POWERFUL is best for me. Speed is good and all, but needs more energy and almost all rocks, break with one hit at POWERFUL. I conserve bombs, since their Dwarf price is now (1.6) doubled...

5. MASTER Fishing Rod: Fishing skill, raises slightly the green area which traps the fish, in the minigame. Also, you can eat a Seafoam Pudding and get 15 to fishing skill, just like that, before unlocking Qi's Seasoning (to make it Golden, with +1 more to the buff). Tackles are cheap to make, so no need to PRESERVE.

6. FISHER Pan: I want to toy around with getting special fish! But when i am done, i am absolutely going to make it, GENEROUS! Loot on lucky days, is no joke; the more ludicrous it is, the happier a player grows! In just one lucky day from morning to night, without any enchants, my Iridium Pan earned me 2x Lucky Rings, Lots of Iridium, a ton of Gold Ore + Iron Ore, a number of artifacts, coupled with clothes and furnitures to boot! I can only imagine what an extra roll chance can add upon this little pile of treasure!

7. Crusader Weapon: Ghosts are nasty because durable + reatreating and "Dangerous" Ghosts, even more so. Mummies are bulky and difficult to dispatch, plus come in large numbers. Armored bugs aren't important, special in any way, or all over the place, so there is no visible benefit for BUG KILLER, i think. Besides, during Festival at Desert, some statues turn them into "Assassin Bugs", which can be killed with normal weapons.
Watering can: Bottomless wins here by miles, no more having to remember to go running to water sources. Saves more time in the long run than covering a few more tiles when an iridium can is already pretty decent

Pickaxe: Powerful, because less time lost breaking rocks while spelunking, if it's only one or two and I don't want to waste explosives

Weapon: Crusader, and this one's not close either, because permadeath for mummies, again no need to waste time and explosives on them

Other tools: meh, not fussed tbh


Honestly, "whatever enchant pops up first", because I'd rather have three tools enchanted with whatever than one enchanted tool that I rerolled twice because I was really hoping for Swift instead of Powerful. Granted, I tend not to linger too long in end-game rather than starting a new run to try something differently.

That said, I got efficient on my axe in a previous run and it was surprisingly convenient? Like being able to wander down to the Cindersnap Forest and chop the entire thing down without having to pause to eat a single slice of cheese felt pretty good. Also if the iridium genie offered me a wish I'd definitely take preserving for the fishing rod because while extra tackles are hardly expensive to make or buy, not having to spend an inventory slot (or more!) on them when you want to go out for a day of fishing is a pretty good deal. Especially in 1.6 when you use twice as many with the Advanced Fishing Pole


On 1.5. Trixie is approaching perfection, so there'll be lotsa prizzy shards after the next spring dance. I'll get to play with enchanted tools more then. For now, I focus on the weapons. Infinity sword has crusader. I also carry a lava katana with Bug Killer. It means that I can not only dispatch armored bugs at will, but go to the Skull mines to harvest bug meat!

Oh and AutoHook is my must have fishing rod enchantment. I never miss a bite.


My one big forge regret is in Shomer's save. I did something - not an enchantment, just a forging, that increased the knockback on his crusader enchanted galaxy sword, and now it takes forever to kill ghosts and I am not good at using the interstitial time between strikes to do other things.


Local Legend
I usually do swift for a pickaxe as outside of the volcano it's strictly better

Swift was my go to for the axe pre 1.6 as shaving was really bad before the changes to it, but now I may lean in that direction, at least if I get enchanting before I need a lot hardwood (the other materials it gives more of don't interest me as I can buy wood and don't really need more mushrooms, don't plant large crops, etc.)

I've always done generous on the hoe but I also play long term challenge runs where I needed a lot of clay, and again, this was 1.5
I think I'll go reaching or archiologist now

Watering can I just deal with whatever I get, bottomless is superior though

The fishing rod is usually something I get two of, though it doesn't really matter, master and preserving each have their uses, I'm decent enough at fishing that the latter is better

I only use hammers and daggers so artful unless I'm farming omnis with the dagger then crusader

Never enchanted a pan, I honestly never bother with panning so maybe fisher because it's the only thing that would do anything for me


I really love swift on the pickaxe. It's so much faster for breaking regular rocks, and practically as fast for tougher rocks. I never really run out of energy. Everything else I have identical to Haleyrocks


"whatever enchant pops up first"
Bingo. That's the route I take as well.
::edit:: Meh, I guess I'll participate a little more. I had one save where all tools with the exception of the watering can drained no energy. I didn't mean to (it was random) and I get one can always eat food to replenish energy, but I never had to, which is nice I guess?
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For axe I always want shaving -- wood (along with hardwood) seems to be the resource that get's scarce
Powerful for pickaxe
Reaching for hoe and watering can.
For Fishing rod either Master or Preserving. I'm using fishing mods, though (I suck at the minigame)
I have not been using pan much, so I haven't enchanted it.
For weapons: the best one I have is Crusader. Absolute necessity for Skull Cavern
Then two others, one a bug killer (also for Skull Cavern, so instead of trying to avoid the bugs, I can hit them for bug meat),
and a haymaker. After I get the dangerous mines, I gather wood, hardwood iron and hay from the levels 40 to 50...
Yeah, I go for Scull caverns with two swords as soon as I get them.
So here's mine:

Vampiric Infinity Sword
Crusader Infinity Gavel
Bugkiller Battle Dancer's Fan (Ridgeside Village)
Bottomless Watering Can
Archaeologist Hoe
Shaving Axe
Powerful Pick-axe
Preserving Fishing Rod
Generous Pan

I like having the abilities of Vampiric, Crusader, and Bugkiller on-hand with me at all times. I like Crusader as it becomes annoying for me to have to rely on bombs to kill those Mummies. Vampiric can save my food supplies on extended Skull Cavern runs -- particularly if I have them set on Dangerous mode. Bugkiller: Armored bugs are very easy for me to kill with that weapon from Ridgeside Village which seems to give me more Critical Hits than not. and paired up with a Level 4 Parrot Egg trinket, that means lots and lots of extra ch-ching for my pockets! Bottomless Watering Can is very helpful for me at Grampleton Fields (Stardew Expanded) where water sources can be very very far away. As for the Archaeologist, Shaving, and Generous enhancements, well, I like getting extra stuff from my tools -- what more can I say :toothy: ? The Powerful Iridium Pick-axe is huge for me as I enjoy being able to crack most Volcano rocks with just one swing, and requiring only 3 swings instead of 4 to crack open those Iridium nodes feels wonderful too! Last but certainly not least, the Preserving enchantment for my Advanced Iridium Fishing Rod has been a Yoba-send for me before getting my Winery started! This was extremely handy when I was using Targeted Bait for Puppyfish and Torpedo Trout (both from Stardew Expanded). Also, I like to craft plenty of Challenge Bait (what can I say -- I guess I'm a glutton for punishment :grin: ) and Bone Fragments are not that easy to come by. Tackles such as Dressed Spinners seem to come as a "dime a dozen" from Willy's shop (actually, they're 1000g each) once you have a steady income stream going, but Curiosity Lures and Quality Bobbers cannot be bought from him. Furthermore, it is also comforting for me to know that if I do end up catching Trash, then there is a chance that my expensive Targeted or Challenge Bait may not be used up!

I used to go full-on Efficient for everything as I hated having to interrupt my Fishing to chomp down on Food and justified this by using the fact that it would mean that I could have one more slot for all my fish during those days that I would spend doing nothing but fishing plus using the Pick-axe as frequently as I do, I had justified the Efficient Pickaxe as a way to save on food that I would need to bring to Skull Caverns. Version 1.6+ has brought many new ways to enjoy the game and due to the fact that it could be possible to have an "Infinite Energy" blessing for a day, I have definitely moved on from the Efficient enchantment!


I'm surprised that alot of people prefer the powerful pickaxe over swift. In addition to my above notes, it's also faster for picking up machines and un-tilling soil


I'm surprised that alot of people prefer the powerful pickaxe over swift. In addition to my above notes, it's also faster for picking up machines and un-tilling soil
Some of us aren't interested in speedrunning the game. Also, there is a considerable advantage in using fewer button presses - it causes less repetitive strain injury. Swift might be faster, but in the long run, it is more painful.


Bingo. That's the route I take as well.
::edit:: Meh, I guess I'll participate a little more. I had one save where all tools with the exception of the watering can drained no energy. I didn't mean to (it was random) and I get one can always eat food to replenish energy, but I never had to, which is nice I guess?
This is no joke. Yeah they don’t do anything but saving on food is priceless. If you skull cavern a lot you get lots of food but still nice for conserving that need. Then you need only look out for and eat for health.